Things were beginning to blur and wobble for Matt – he had never really been this tipsy before. Everything was kind of a blur, but he always managed to keep laughing as if he knew what Daemon was even talking about, since he was just as wasted as Matt was. He could of sworn he said something about his dad, but he wasn't sure. Hadrian started yelling at him, and then it was starting to get a little serious. Apparently there was something about his dad, but as he tried to contemplate it, his brain became absent again. “Ah man don't worry about it guys...this is supposed to be a party, why we gotta be all serious and crap?” Matt waved his hands and tried to get up from the couch, but ended up tripping and falling back on it, leaning over on Daemon. “On second thought – I'm really tired...” Matt mumbled and heard Hadrian's voice in the distance, but felt like he was paralyzed. His body slumped down more, and before he knew it, Matt was out cold.