Okay, so he was mad at her. Ryleigh had been planning to reply to his comments but instead she stayed silent. She felt like a child in trouble. She felt like Matt was disappointed in her. How had she been so stupid as to follow him? It had been a stupid mistake. She really regretted it and knew that next time she'd listen. It was better not to know. The car stopped and Ryleigh listened to Matt. He spoke about the first kill and she tried not to flinch at the admittance that he'd killed someone before. Again though, she naively thought that it was to protect someone. After all, he was a bodyguard. It gave him the right to kill if his client needed protecting and saw in danger. "I just want to forget about it. Please, let's not talk about it. I just want to go to my room and study. I won't go near the window. I promise." Ryleigh almost sounded like a robot. But she got out the car and did as she had said. She left Matt to do what he wanted to do and she went upstairs, grabbed her books and papers from her desk, and went and sat on her massive bed with them well out of the viewpoint of the window. It was hard to do what she wanted when someone was trying to kill her, and when she'd watched a man die. She was writing lists. Re-writing lists, making new schedules, her OCD going well over the top as a mechanism to try and cope with how messed up things were becoming. Nothing was normal and someone wanted to kill her.