As the others began to arrive, Manō lowered himself to sit on the floor, before nodding at Devlin and Arlina, "Greetings god of war, goddess of beauty." he said politely as he drew his legs inward into an indian sitting style. Manō breathed in deeply before exhaling a cloud of mist which began to rapidly envelop him, "Pardon me while I make myself a bit more comfortable..." he said before becoming enshrouded in the mist. There was a small flash of blue light before the cloud dispersed, revealing a banded sea krait coiled up where Manō once sat. "Ah...much better." The serpent hissed with relief as it stretched all twelve feet of it's length out. Manō slowly began to coil around a nearby pillar, his body which was as thick as a man's arm wrapping around the thing with relative ease, "So, anyone have anything of interest to discuss while we wait for the others? I do hate awkward silences.".