Mathias watched her go. It was better he be harsh and upfront than kind and consoling. How else was she to learn that her position involved a tremendous amount of risk? If he hadn't said what he did, who knows what she'd do next time? Hopefully there wouldn't be a next time he prayed silently to himself. He marched over to where his quarters were. He swiped an estate identification card and went straight to his room. He pulled out a slim black case that contained a lap top within. He proceeded to boot it up. The room itself wasn't bad whatsoever. Though spartan in decor, it housed a relatively comfortable bed, table, bathroom, wardrobe, and a window that looked out onto the backyard. He smiled. He could set up a sniper's nest in here and monitor his vantage point traps with ease. Of course, nothing could replace personal attendance to the girl, but at least it was something. He took out his phone and dialed a number. A female voice answered. "It's me," he said. "I need some intel sent to my computer." "Can you be more specific?" "I need anything on a russian gang that uses a bear with a skull background. A group attacked my employer's daughter today. I'd rather not be blind if they show up again." Minutes later, several files showed up on a secure proxy server. "Thank you Huntington. You're a life savers as always." "My pleasure, Matt," she said. "Contact me if you need anything else." The line disconnected as Mathias read the files. What in the hell did Ryleigh's father do to anger the Russian Mafia? Though housed in Moscow, they had considerable reach in the states. He should know. Mathias carried out a number of jobs for them. Terrible, nasty people. He saved some files and sent them to his phone of mobile reading when he had the time. Once the confirmation came through on the sent files, he locked the computer. It was time he got back to Ryleigh. As he crossed the darkened yard, he couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes trained on him somewhere. It was odd. He was typically the hunter. Now, he was the hunted. Oblivious to whomever lied in the tree line beyond. --- As he ascended the last stair, Mathias knocked on Ryleigh's door. "I'm coming in," he said. He saw her writing her damn lists. Poor girl. "How are you faring?" Before returning to his post, he had changed into a loose fitting white sweater and a pair of slacked jeans. It was his definition of casual. Nothing too tight or too flashy. Just plain. He preferred it that way. It made him feel anonymous, which was an art he perfected long ago. But now, he felt anything but anonymous. He wasn't good at this touchy, nicey stuff. He had never the need. It was rare for anything to make him nervous, but for some reason this did it. Maybe he should've paid more attention to his interpersonal lessons. It would've helped now. Mathias said not a word more as silence reigned over the room. Sometimes, silence was the best remedy for the absurd and traumatic. Silence. Beautiful yet lonely all the same.