Beau was among the first up, he rolled out of his giant-mushroom-bed-thing, or GMBT, as he had decided to refer to it, and, landing on his face, picked himself up and growled as he did so, seeing breakfast prepared, he scurried over as the others also began to awaken and the old man gave them some more information. Beau tried to listen, he swears he did, but it was all just so dire and important and monotonous for first thing in the morning, luckily he picked up on a few bits of information. [i]"These items are special, they are Zars, meaning that they are infused with an element. They are very powerful when handled properly and will increase the control you have over your element. Take what you need and go. We have waited long enough here, and every day will weaken us and strengthen them."[/i] His brain making its way to fully functioning with the addition of a good meal and halfway decent lecture to the mix, Beau more or less tuned everything out, despite this, from what he did hear, the old man actually had a decent mind for tactics, having an emergency safe house and restocking station was a good idea, especially considering the nature of this war. He raised an eyebrow as Father Time drew the covering from over the pile of Zars, and in the back of his mind Beau heard the rest of the ancient's words but, again, he wasn't really paying attention, he had noticed long and sleek bluish-purple colored staff sitting among the other weapons, as he approached it and picked it up, he held it in his right hand and twirled it a little bit, it felt good, right, like it had been carved specifically from the bit of strange bone just for him, it crackled and as he held it he felt his heart race, Beau suddenly had a sense of being supercharged, like he could do anything he needed to, he holstered the Staff, noticing on the side that the words, etched in a language he had never seen before but completely understood, one word was carved 'Beau's'. Rolling his eyes at the implied pun and shaking his head, Beau turned his attention back to the pile. Noticing a boomerang as well, Beau picked it up, intending to make fun of whoever it was that would be chargin' into battle with such an antiquated weapon, though then he noticed that on one side of the boomerang the word 'Beaumerang' was engraved in the same language as that on the staff, laughing, and figuring that he would probably just call it something like 'Bolt', Beau turned the device over and read the incription on the other side, which was actually just a series of pictures that told a story. As one hot, wet tear escaped down from the otherwise shockingly cold blue-green eyes of the lightning elemental, Beau put the Beaumerang in his jacket pocket, it fitting nicely in there. Finishing up with the pile, Beau caught the tail end of the conversation the old man and a girl, whom Beau was pretty sure was an earth elemental, and added his two cents into the conversation: [i]"You Hygrons should talk less and act more, its almost noon already."[/i] "We should split up and half of us attack RockHill on the other side of here, that way The Vygorns have less of an idea where we are coming from, not to mention that Rock Hill is a mining town, and going for the resources is like terrorist tactics 101, we could arrive at Rock Hill about an hour after the time they arrive at Riverdale, which would put both attacks at close to midnight, meaning that we would most likely catch them by surprise" Beau added, sitting down next to the other two and then absent mindedly playing with the boomerang he had pulled out of his pocket.