After much unsuccessful fiddling with his tie, Kyle opted to just hang it around his neck. At the very least, the teacher shouldn't scorn him for not having the proper appendages to properly tie it...he hoped. The tie though was the least of his problems... [i]"where in the hell is my homeroom?!"[/i] After several minutes of aimless wandering, having to translate his class schedule and viewing a school directory, Kyle was about...85% sure he was on the right floor, but at the wrong end of the hall. To compensate for his misdirection, he walked in the only direction he could and trucked on. Despite feeling incredibly late to class, he couldn't help but notice how many other students were milling about the halls as they wandered to their class. A missing limb here, several scars there, that guys looks normal, he felt incredibly "different" here, but everyone else was "different" too, so wouldn't that make him and everyone else the same? He suspected that it wasn't the disability that was causing him to feel this difference and as he pondered on this thought while searching for his homeroom, a series of unfortunate events occurred. It happened all too quickly, first was the small amount of force bouncing from his tough frame, second was the series of crashes of said small force hurdling down the stairs, third was the shock and awe, which quickly led to the thought of... [i]"-1000 points to the foreigner..."[/i] Witness to this atrocity was another student, tall, white haired, expressionless face completely contrasting the dumbfounded shock on Kyle's. Both of them simultaneously stared at each other, then to the small figure, back to each other, then back to the figure. As slowly as the student reached his hand out to the small figure, Kyle was just as quickly bounding down the stairs, skipping steps, while screaming in his mind, [i]"ohgodohgodohgodohgod!!!"[/i] before coming to a complete halt, kneeling in front of the figure, a really tiny girl (the points just doubled in negativity). "Oh my god, are you alright?! Shit! I wasn't even paying attention to where I was going, and then you just (points to himself), and then just (points to the stairs) and then (points at her), oh god are you alright?!"