“Then I bet you weren’t expecting me….” Lethe impassively watched as Cain’s shadow then took form. “Why did you help us?” he asked, rather rudely in Lethe’s opinion, but now wasn’t the time to correct someone on proper etiquette. Rather than a look of fear, or even surprise, an amused smirk crept across the fairy’s small amoretto face. “Well! How interesting…” she scoffed, drifting forward and circling around Cain, looking him up and down with two large, round irises-- like gold coins permanently catching the sunlight. This would also give Cain an opportunity to get a closer look at her. Aside from her indigo colored hair and dress, she wore what appeared to be a ring around her waist—fashioned out of indigo thread and housing a beautiful silver-white gem in the shape of a downward facing crescent. At her hip was also a small, two inch long sewing needle with a handle made out of twisted silver twine. “And how convenient,” Lethe flitted towards a tall gravestone that gave her a good view of them both, landing without a sound. “You’re quite a ways from home, aren’t you, Misplaced One?” She closed her eyes and shook her head, smirking to herself. She’d always known the Goddesses had a sense of humor, but this was really quite funny. A Twili living in the shadow of a Chilfos… now that was really something. “Anyways,” she continued, folding her arms and smoothing out one of her obverse indigo curls, “My name is Lethe—or, rather, that is what you are to call me. I helped you because I need your help and will, in return, continue to give you my help. And, trust me, [i]you want my help.[/i] It’s a win-win situation.” As she spoke, she fiddled with the ring around her waist, winding the crescent gemstone left and right in a strange pattern (like a combination lock) before the crescent suddenly made a loud high pitched [i]ping![/i] noise not so unlike the one before when Lethe had used Farore’s Wind. With the sound, a gentle glow of white light engulfed her, growing, shifting, and ultimately dimming away to reveal a much larger Hylian version of herself. Well... fairly larger. She was still considerably short-- standing at a mere 5'1". Her ears were a bit less prominently pointed and her sewing needle had quite miraculously transformed into a eloquent rapier. The ring was now being worn on her finger. “Oh yeah,” the young Hylian Lethe added matter-of-factly, “and did I mention all life in Hyrule—including your own—rides on it?” She placed a hand on her hip, absentmindedly fiddling with the tip of her ear, apparently somewhat bothered by their lack of fairy-like pointy-ness. "Are you still listening?" she queried, shooting a worrisome look at the Chilfos, whose lack of outward emotion was obviously inevitable but nonetheless disconcerting, "What I'm basically telling you is that everyone will probably die if you don't do as I say."