Shirley didn't seem too fond of Fuaad's arm taking rest around her neck. Everyone had to be cautious of people around in the underground, but even more so women. Even more so [b]girls.[/b] As to why, the reasons are obvious. Shirley shook off the thought, as well as Fuaad's arm, and kept going while he talked. Even when he said "Before we go..." and so on, she continued. "...why nobody who is a part of your camp take on this 'extremely urgent super important quest of great need'? Fuaad continued. Shirley let out a high-pitched "Hmpf!" in response. "For your information, I'm just as important and just as much a part of Dalston Camp as everyone else, and they were busy with the old train cart. Crazy ol' Joe thinks he can get the thing running, but while they're working on it someone has to go get the cables Jonathan asked for. If we can get the train cart working in Dalston Camp with the parts we might find in Hoxton, however the hell that's going to work, we can..." she said, but suddenly stopped herself. She realized she might have said too much. "I-I mean... We're not gonna make it [i]work[/i], we're just trying to turn it into a... A ... Safe bunker, of sorts. Yeah." She seemed happy with the "smooth" save she made there. "Even if everyone is busy with something I'm sure there must be someone who can drop something and get it done? Oh wait... That's why you are here Sheirly! Dalston Junction's heroine, saving the day with the help from two strangers. If I had paper I would draw a comic for you." Fuaad said, and even though the comment was obviously somewhat meaningless, it seemed to actually make Shirley feel better about herself. "We aren't some kinda heroes y'know. We get what we were asked to get, that's all." she said in response, but it was obvious she liked the thought of being a heroine. Shirley turned around. "Ey', speechless, don't lag behind. It's dangerous out 'ere, even though we're not far from camp." she said to him, walking slower until he's caught up. As they continued to walk, Fuaad and Jake would realize that the only weapon Shirley seem to have is a knife, dangling in it's holster strapped to her belt. It looks barely used. - Hours later, making their way through the rubble, the trio eventually reach what marks halfway on their journey toward Hoxton. They've arrived in Haggerston. Probably last to notice this, Shirley lights up after having been exhausted the last hour or so. "Guys! Haggerston, guys! We've reached Haggerston!" she exclaimed, not loudly but enthusiastically. Although she would never admit it, she hasn't been this far from camp before. Slumping down on a chuck of rubbled concrete on the western platform, Shirley let out a big sigh. "I'm exhausted. Let's rest for a moment, aye?" she said, looking at the other two. Haggerston was little more than a pile of rock. There two platforms still intact, with the only entrances or exits being the tunnels leading north and south. There was the western platform, which the trio had arrived at, and across the ruined tracks was the eastern platform. Dark gray-green moss hanged from the walls, and old knuckled up rusty barrels could be seen scattered across the platforms, but other than that nothing special could be seen from here. Except... A big chunk of what probably used to be the arching roof, half-burried in a hole in the tracks. On it was black stains of decade-old blood, and deeply carved clawmarks. Two of them, from two hands. The clawmarks were irregular, where there were 4 claws on one limb and 5 on the other. While Shirley didn't seem to notice it, Fuaad and Jake would recognize it as obvious mutant-clawmarks. And a big one at that.