Niiu had eventually made it to the abandoned shop, only to find that it'd been wiped clean in her absence. She cursed silently to herself, and decided that the best she could do was raid abandoned houses to see what has been left behind. She hated the thought, as she found it a way of invading other's privacy, and whether they were alive or not didn't matter, she didn't have a right to break into their or their former residency. Even still, she had to survive, and she knew that she was bound to Paradise. She grew up here, and she was going to stay here and avenge her parents. The older teenager turned, only to begin to hear voices once more. Again, not wanting to be seen, she pulled her dark cloak around herself and began to head in the opposite direction of the voices, not realizing that their destinations would be the same; the graveyard. However, she would arrive their first, and fearing the undead also, she would climb on the backside of a large cemetery monument. She hoped that the size of the statue against her back would hide her from the people whom she thought would only pass by. She began to hear shuffling steps and gurgles, a bit of growling soon following. Her muscles stiffened and she drew her other pistol as well, one in each hand. Together they equaled merely fourteen shots, seven per gun. For her own sake, she prayed that whatever creatures lurked here, there would only be a few, not too many for her to handle. Usually she had to pick off one or two creatures at most during her stocking periods, and she cursed silently at herself for having to be so nervous around actual people that she'd rather face a seemingly death wish. She flipped the safety off on both weapons, staring dead ahead, where the noises were present. With the sun already set, it was taking her eyes a little longer than usual to adjust, and it was only when one of the foul undead was 15 feet from her monument that she was able to see it. And soon she began to see the others. They moved much quicker at night... At least it seemed that way. She took half a second to aim at the monster's head and fired a shot as she began to shuffle from behind the monument, having to jump down the few feet the ledge she'd been standing on was elevated, knowing she'd likely have to run away soon. There were clearly too many. She was a fool to have wandered this way. She should have just hidden in the shop until they'd passed by. [i] "They're coming, we can smell them. Why don't you go after them instead? Their hearts are still beating, after all. They'll be easier to kill...." [/i] The voices in her head mumbled, and her lip twitched slightly, but she didn't turn away from the zombies. By now she'd fired four times, only enough to keep the damned things at bay. She stopped listening for the people now, more concerned with her life than them seeing her. Then again, if they did see her it might not end well; her choice of a cloak seemed awfully...witch-ly... A mistake could easily be made in the dark like this...