Ariel smiled coyly at Zendra's offer. Ditching school? No parents? All alone? Sounded fine by her really. "Ok...lead the way." It didn't take all that long though to reach the house, and once inside, Ariel couldn't help big gawk at human it all looked. Considering her job revolves around guiding people out of this world, the angel didn't pay much attention to human habitats. Now, up close and personal, she was simply amazed at how plain it all looked. Zendra had said she'd make them some lunch, so the black haired girl took the time to explore the area on her own. Why? Why didn't it....? The thoughts came back again, and Ariel frowned. The incident with her powers failing still disturbed her to a certain degree. If she lost her ability to kill instantly and with a mere touch, how would she protect Zendra? She supposed she would just do it the old fashioned human way. And in that regard, maybe it wasn't so bad after all. Certainly more room for creativity and the like. Ariel giggled at that prospect and so resolved to distract herself by looking for pictures, possessions, and really any other evidence to suggest that Zendra has any other friends. Even Ariel were to ever find out that her lover was spending time with someone else or even cheating on her...there would be grave consequences. Zendra was [i]hers[/i] now. No one else's! If she so much as a scrap of evidence suggesting otherwise, Death would not only ensure murder to he opposing side but also enact swift punishment to Zendra as well.