Upon the odd, lithe man's line of questioning about how her Kaboom Potion could fathomably ease a weakening heart, the fairy child was all too happy to once again relapse into her chipper blathering. "I'm glad you asked that!" she exclaimed, "It's an interesting story! Kaboom Potion was invented almost twenty years ago by a genius alchemist named Doctor Morrell in an attempt to create medicine more efficient in stabilizing a weakening heartbeat! I personally had the opportunity to develop this with him, and we tried several different agents, but we tried a crazy tincture that worked! The concentrated oil of Deku Nuts normally causes a paralytic effect, but we discovered that when combined with the toxin found in Biri Jellyfish quills and the regulatory effect of mixing an equal measure of Green Chu jelly and Rope's anti-venom it could stimulate low blood pressure and regulate heartbeat! With further testing, it worked out to be a [i]huge[/i] success! That is, until I dropped a vial of the potion. The concentrated Deku Nut oil apparently causes spontaneous explosion spurred by the pseudo-electric shock of Biri Jellyfish toxin. I don't think we ever found Doctor Morrell's toes, but I was given inspiration into turning it into a high-grade explosive! I substituted the Rope anti-venom for more things that go boom and the rest is history! It should still cure heart murmurs I think, but I don't know what the effect of adding Dodongo pancreas and gunpowder in lieu of Rope anti-venom would have. Oh! We tested the proper dosage by studying the power of hydrogen of the stomach when compared against the potion. And feeding it to Cuccoos! But Doctor Morrell said I'm not allowed to talk about the Cuccoos too much after that one time when we tried to-" Apparently taking a page from Elder Lyontus's book, the twiggy individual interrupted her before she began to talk all day, proposing a trade. Mystic brews for enchanted garments. Mila's eyes lit up a brighter shade of emerald as she began to beam. "Really!? Oh, yes! I think that will do! Oh Goddesses, but what do I want? Let's see..." The energetic Kokiri child began to chew on the edge of her thumb as the wheels turned in her head, leading her down a spider's web of ideas. "I want Boots of Swiftness! No, Boots of [i]Leaping![/i] No wait, a cloak that sheds water like glass! Ah! That's it! Unbreakable bottles! Wait, target seeking slingshot! No, that's pointless... I want a Blouse of Many Colors! No, green is my favorite... Gloves of- no, that's not good either... Mystic Cap of-! Well, I think I'd need a cap first. And what would I do with a talking cap?" The little red-haired girl thought long and hard about what she wanted before finally settling. Or so she thought. "Traveling around all the time gets tiresome, so how about a Featherweight Pack? Ah! That's it!" All of a sudden, the fairy girl bounced behind her stall, returning with a weathered traveler's backpack. "Bag of Holding! It [i]has[/i] to be a Bag of Holding! Think of all the potions ingredients I could tote with me! Pleasepleaseplease Bag of Holding!" the easily excitable begged the dark stranger with wide eyes. Her fairy companion could only be heard letting out a fatigued sigh at the hyperactive child's antics. Magus couldn't help but take a small amount of amusement out of the fact that the fairy girl in front of him helped in creating something that exploded violently in the pursuit of something meant to heal others. He didn't know what a Cuccoo was, but they sounded dangerous for some reason... The offer for enchantments seemed to have been accepted with gusto as the fairy child started to enthusiastically go through a list of possible enchantments that were either not in his ability to produce or had simply never undergone research for one reason or another. However, the one that she settled on in the end caused him to pause a little. "[i][b]That would not be wise. While there has been research done in an attempt to create a proper bag of holding, as in an item that can hold an untold amount of things with ease and allow the user to withdraw any item in the bag with ease whenever they wished, a successful bag has yet to be created. At this point in time, at best you'll be unable to retrieve any item that goes into the bag. At worst sticking your hand into it will result in any number of a wide range of injuries to your hand and arm such as cuts, bites, burns and sometimes poisons. [/i][/b]" Thinking for a moment, Magus politely offered "[i][b]How about a pair of goggles that would allow you to see in the dark?[/i][/b]" Mila cringed when the mysterious man suggested exactly why a Bag of Holding was the opposite of a sound decision, but she felt compelled to argue against him on whether or not one could be made. The legends said that it could be done, and if her hypotheses about inter-realm travel were correct then it should stand to reason that a pocket dimension was entirely possible. In theory. She should probably devise a test for it at some point or another... But he had netted her attention like a golden beetle at the prospect of Dark Vision. Shila was similarly pleased as well. For one, it was something useful that Mila couldn't try to experiment with and result in property damage. For two, it would be a great deal of comfort when travelling or camping on lonely nights. While a companion fairy was often all the light that a Kokiri child would need, Mila was deathly afraid of the dark. Not normal night darkness like an open field with moonlight, but darkness of the sort that could be found in crypts and alleyways, hiding in untold number of dangers only perceptible to the imagination. "Dark vision, dark vision, I'm getting dark vision~!" she chirped as she wrenched her protective eye wear from her forehead and slammed them onto the wooden counter before her. The little rusty-haired girl, eyes full of light, ecstatically waved her hand over the wood of the booth, anticipating a handshake to seal the deal.