[b]Roleplay:[/b] Soul Eater: New Generation [b]Level:[/b] Free [b]Fate:[/b] Roleplay never began. [hider=Hayes Locke Remington][center] [img]http://i.gyazo.com/6037f5578569626fa4c744dcd5ab7e01.png[/img] Scorpio | November 9th | INFJ [u][b]Name[/b][/u] Hayes Locke Remington [u][b]Nickname(s)[/b][/u] Hardly anyone knows his first and middle name and as a result, most refer to him as Remington or "Remmy" for short. [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 16 [u][b]Partner[/b][/u] William Smith ["Leviathan"] [u][b]Meister Abilities[/b][/u] Has the the [i][b]Soul Perception[/b][/i] ability, which allows Remmy to see the soul wavelengths of living people and gather information from it. He is also able to use Soul Resonance with his weapon, but it is currently unknown as to what their Soul Resonance is. Aside from that, any other Meister abilities are to be discovered throughout the Roleplay. [u][b]Extra Equipment[/b][/u] Nothing, aside from the excessive amount of wealth that he can access anytime. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] A deeply suspicious and insecure person, Remmy is extremely strict when it comes to terms of loyalty. An introvert and extremely reserved, you're more likely to find Remmy in a library or at a park than at a social event. He won't really admit it, but from years of isolation, he has zero socialization skills and often writes off his lack of interaction as "not caring". He's actually quite lonely, though he hardly lets other people onto that or any other weakness, considering he despises appearing as a vulnerable type of person. He does, however, admit that he hates loud areas and being the center of attention. He is an extremely clean and neat person, being a massive Germaphobe and perfectionist, as a result of this, he may rub off as slightly snobbish. He also hates being put in charge and often goes with the flow, tending to work in energy spikes than in a constant flow. He loves reading and is a very emotional and sensitive person and sadly, he comes off as very emotional fragile, which is very much the truth. Nonetheless, he is extremely compassionate and patient with a sense of modesty and concern for others. His actions are often controlled by his emotions and this usually causes him to appear as selfish. He is extremely serious about his academics and even tends to over think his tasks and projects, but absolutely does not enjoy thinking about the future for what it's worth. He is a very morally righteous person and believes greatly in justice, but is willing to show mercy over justice. He believes strongly in the idea that people control their future and that it is important to be in control of your environment at all times and he will always stick to and defend his principles and beliefs. He stresses the idea of loyalty and therefore, is extremely loyal to his friends. He is embarrassingly clumsy on his feet and easily becomes anxious in stressful situations. He refers to himself as a "simple person" and openly admits to hating his parents. [u][b]Biography[/b][/u] Doesn't speak much of his past, but it is known that he had traveled overseas to attend DWMA and is originally from the UK. He is from an extremely wealthy family, but he doesn't seem to care much for them or the money, considering that he is a "simple person". He has openly admitted that he hates his parents, but has never specified as to why. [u][b]Weaknesses & Fears[/b][/u] His perfectionist and Germaphobic nature prevents him from partaking in many events, particularly socializing or mission-related tasks. Same with his fear of being hurt by others, which causes him to distance himself from others to an unhealthy extent. He has a fear of water, which is ironic, considering he is from a massive island. He is afraid of being alone in the dark as well. [u][b]Other[/b][/u] Speaks in a British accent and fluently knows English, French and Italian. Is kickass at trivia pursuit and is an impulsive buyer. He hates his first name and that is why he often lies and claims that Remington is his first name. His favorite food is rice, finding it a "brilliant invention", considering that it mixes well with any other food. [/center][/hider]