[center][img]http://i1295.photobucket.com/albums/b635/pandapops7/Roleplays/blondes/NamikazeMinato6001073453_zps9f20b3bd.jpg[/img] ILLIAS VALSERYS DE MONTESQUIEU 46 years old 21/08/1098 Before marriage, Illias' name was Valserys Mancini, and is the son of Valyn and Valiant. He's terrible at magic and no matter how many tutors he had, he hasn't gotten any better. He can't even make potions, despite his mother's attempts to teach him, and has basically stopped trying. With such low magic, he's unable to join the Wizard Council and was really dependent on his parents. While all his other brothers became independent and got jobs and became productive members of society, he stayed living in his parents house. Neither had the heart to kick him out, so he stayed living here until he met Illiana. They met through mutual friends and Valserys fell immediately in love with her fiery attitude. She, however, didn't even blink twice at him and continued to ignore him whenever they met with a group of friends. Realizing that she would never go for a deadbeat, Valserys begged his brother Valdeimos for a job at the restaurant where he worked and pestered the owner enough times that he got the job of cleaning dishes. It wasn't much, but it got him off his parent's couch and gained Illiana's attention. When they were married, Valserys changed his name to Illias de Montesquieu because he loved his wife so much and that she changed his life in such a positive way, such as making him a better person. He is now permanently off his parent's couch and lives with his wife on the upscale side of town. He no longer has his dishwasher job so he's dependent on Illiana, but he's trying??? [hider=Family & Friends] [b]Ancestor[/b] - Valhalla Mancini [b]Grandmothers:[/b] Via Valiant - Valkyrie Shari Mancini Via Valyn - Diora Umali Solae (Nyxus) [b]Grandfathers:[/b] Via Valiant - Valdmar Shakkir Mancini (Xuen) Via Valyn - Dios Umair Solae [b]Mother[/b] - Valyn Dionysus Mancini (Solae) [b]Father[/b] - Valiant Dionte Mancini [b]Siblings[/b] - Valentine Mancini, Valora Kristabelle Mancini, Valtreks Mancini, Valroya Mancini, Valor Mancini, Valdeimos Mancini, Valencino Morgen Mancini,Valhallen Mancini, Vallix Mancini, Valerik Mancini, Valente Mancini, Valis Mancini, Valereon Mancini, Valerio Mancini, Valcyon Mancini [b]Wife[/b] - Illiana Valorris de Montesquieu [b]In-Laws:[/b] Via Valora - Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini (Glenadade) {brother-in-law} Via Valencino - Valancy Morgana Mancini (Day) {sister-in-law} [b]Nephew & Nieces:[/b] Via Valora Kristabelle & Valentiano Kristoforo Mancini - Valhero Mancini, Valexander Mancini, Valalee Mancini Via Valtreks Mancini & Sofia Amara - Valenna Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Edel Gwerthwen - Valiance Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Symphaerie Zylan - Valaiah Mancini Via Valroya Mancini & Ambrosiya Sanna - Valerius Mancini Via Valdeimos Mancini & Raava Rixore - Valrose Mancini Via Valencino Morgen & Valancy Morgana Mancini - Valstell Mancini [b]Uncles/Aunts:[/b] Via Valiant - Bellona Valentia Black (Mancini) & Belzeneff Black Via Valyn - Dionisio Areat Solae & Diomira Arella Solae (Kaitou) [b]Cousins:[/b] Via Bellona & Belzeneff - Belladon Black, Belladonna Black, Bellerophon Black, Bellisiah Black/Furei Justus, Belshazzar Black, Belvedere Black, Bellarino Black, Belmarie Black, Belial Black, Bellakane Black Via Dionisio & Diomira - Dior Solae [/hider][/center]