Marina frowned slightly at the word 'captain', thinking about her mother's reaction before she left. [I][B]"Only I am the captain, you deckswabber, you! For your mutiny, walk the plank! You scurvy dog!"[/B][/I] She quickly pulled herself from her thoughts and looked at the young yet snowy-haired man in front of her. "I'm Marina, and I'm not a captain, not yet, that is. Not until I get my crew," she spoke softly as she glanced side to side, curiously wondering where Professor Oak could be, though to him, she probably looked like she was watching out because she was in some kind of trouble. That was the problem with her, always suspicious for no reason. She looked at the young man and smiled, fixing her hat. "Devon, was it? You're here to get your first mate– I mean Pokémon, too?" She adjusted herself on the sign and smoothed out her dress as she looked to her feet, swinging them gently. "I don't know why you're here, and I don't know why I'm telling you this, well, maybe because some things are on my mind right now, but, if you're leaving far from home, make sure that it doesn't move far from your heart. No matter where you go, you can always go back because you belong there." She giggled and pushed her bangs to the side, tilting her head. "I must sound so silly, talking like some sort of oracle or seer. I'm just missing home already, and it hasn't even been ten minutes! But, I have a duty to uphold, and that's what I'm going to do!"