[URL=http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/enrika01/media/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png.html][IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag138/enrika01/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]Tagress: Park[/b] Dylan had to hustle to catch up to the group - he had stopped to grab a couple more paints and had completely lost track of time - but he managed to arrive on a scant few minutes after the Pride had settled in. Estelle was already breaking into the food, so he took the time to set up his easel and canvas. [i]“Lucien! Lucien!” Estelle cheered. “Show us your animal summons! I wanna see them all! And Dylan! Dylan! Paint us please and- and- Selan! My hair!!!”[/i] Dylan laughed at her exuberance, the girl's energy was infectious. "As you wish, my lady," he said with a deep bow. "I am at your command. But first, I require a cup of wine." Moving towards the other basket, he opened it to reveal a variety of alcoholic beverages on ice, slightly chilled. Smiling, he made a mental note to tip the waitress well when it got back to the Guild later. "I think the red will do nicely, this one should be light and fruity. Anyone else want anything?"