[center][img]http://i655.photobucket.com/albums/uu272/shadowwolfcat13/SofiaSoleil_zps99697089.png[/img][/center] [quote=Candra]"...At your soonest convenience," She began, "it would be beneficial for you to understand what exactly is happening. I'll give you the short version, if you please. I am not, as you suspected, a worker from the developers of this app."[/quote] [b]“Eh, you’re not?”[/b] Sophie quickly responded. [quote=Candra] Candra gave it some thought. "Not directly, anyway. You might say I am something of a servant or a pawn. Yours, in fact."[/quote] A moment of silence followed, in which both human and Key stared at each other. Whilst the latter appeared quite serious and determined to get her message across, the former had slightly tilted her head to the right, much like her dog when it could not understand its owner’s commands. Sophie had had the feeling that this would be something she would not be able to comprehend the moment the unfamiliar woman’s figure came on screen, thus she had attempted to calm herself down with her own rant and quickly brush off the matter with a logical explanation, yet to no avail. The thought of needing to firmly concentrate this early in the morning made her feel all the more lazy, but what pestered her even more was how this person had dubbed themselves a servant and a pawn. Slavery, in all its variations, was something the girl hated and she felt compelled to beg to differ, however, her new companion continued with the same strong intonation as before. [quote=Candra]"You should have been made aware before purchasing me, but there is a 'game' at hand, and one that you are a part of. In this game I am your sword and shield."[/quote] The words that were uttered were ones that Sophie could not fully understand once more. They simply came into one ear and out the other. The only one that rang a small bell was “game” and it was not a pleasant sound. The fact that they were having a conversation through the phone and that it was connected to a certain app on the device instantly lead to the conclusion that the “game” in question was an online one. This bothered her a bit and made her feel uneasy, for this young lady was absolutely helpless when it came to online gaming. Simple browser family games were not a problem, nor was the Sims series, yet action-oriented ones were out of her league. She could never react fast enough, nor could she handle all those battle combos, albeit she loved the art and music. There had been a time in her life when her entire class had had the topic of MMOs on their lips, which had prompted her to see what these games were all about. Try as she might, it had been too difficult to deal with, not to mention it required time and concentration, both of which she ofttimes lacked. This being said, the mention of a “game” certainly did not make her feel at ease. Yet at the same time, she didn’t have it in her to refuse this polite woman. It was obvious that she was having a hard time explaining everything to someone as air-headed as her, so Sophie wished to make it up to her somehow, which was exactly why she still listened when Candra continued. [quote=Candra]"Everything will become much clearer once you log in. When you have a spare moment, I would ask that you take my key - which, incidentally, you must not misplace, and use it to unlock a door of your choosing. It matters not what door you open, as long as you do it with me."[/quote] [b]“Mmmhmm, alright. Got it!”[/b] the sunny child said, in order to confirm to the speaker that she was listening. [quote=Candra]"I have no further explanation for now, do not let me keep you any longer from your breakfast. However, the last thing I would request... although this may be above my station..." Candra stared forward with a fierce look that her owner probably couldn't see.[/quote] [b]“”W-what might that be?”[/b] Sophie asked. Although she was smiling and appeared cheerful, she was undeniably nervous. [quote=Candra] "Please... take me with you! I do not wish to leave your side so quickly. If you require it, I can keep silent."[/quote] If this had been an anime, there would be a sweat drop symbol on Sophie’s head right about now. The request was sudden, seemingly out of nowhere and out of character. The girl could only stand there silently, stumped by this show of emotion. Thankfully, she regained her senses a few seconds after and her natural smile shined on. [b]“Alright! You can come along. Oh, but go into mini mode. Be like, um, a shimeji! Like a little figure that is on screen, otherwise mum might notice.”[/b] she said happily and went to open the door of her bedroom. [b]“Dad’s asleep, so we should keep quiet.”[/b] she added as she walked down the hall and reached for the kitchen door’s handle. The moment she entered the room, a sweet aroma spellbound the child. The caster of the spell was the kind hard-working witch, Siena Soleil - her mother, who was busily cleaning the worktop and oven from the aftermath of her cooking. There were only a few spots and crumbs to swipe away, but when she heard someone entering, the woman halted her work, turned and smiled warmly. [b]“Guess what we’re having today.”[/b] she said. At that moment, her daughter’s eyes widened and shined from joy. Six waffles were perfectly stacked atop one another on a big plate in the center of the table. Two jars of jam, one from cherries and one from prunes, were placed by its sides, a spoon sticking out of each. A cozy sweet-smelling scene illuminated by the yellow glow of the light bulb. [b]“Yes! Waffles!”[/b] Sophie exclaimed. [b]“Quiet down now and lets have breakfast.”[/b] her mother said as she opened a cabinet and got the jar of honey. The both of them seated themselves in front of each other, a small white plate with a serviette to the right waiting for them to begin. Since they were at their home and no one was watching, the two prefered to childishly eat with their fingers, rather than use forks and knives. It provided a family atmosphere and a chance for something funny to joke about once someone’s fingers became sticky. Sofia put her phone to her right and took one waffle from the stack, which she hastily divided in two and put [url=http://media.giphy.com/media/2IdlRNZZKFRD2/giphy.gif]honey[/url] on one piece and cherry jam on the other. Biting first into the former, she flinched when lightning struck and thunder broke the silence. [b]“Quite the bad weather we have today.”[/b] her mother remarked. Making her daughter’s favorite breakfast was the least she could do. With the rain pouring down so badly and the storm not giving the slightest indication of leaving, her little girl would not be able to leave their apartment all day, nor would she be able to call her friends, due to the loss of signal. It was a miracle that Internet connection was still available, yet even that was lagging and would soon be lost. Her only companion would be Tori and her father’s occasional snores, because the woman would inevitably have to leave for an errand. Even on Sunday there was still work to be done. After eating one waffle with prune jam, she stood up and took her plate to the sink. [b]“Done already?”[/b] Sofia questioned. [b]“Yes. I have to go do some paperwork. It won’t take long, so no worries.”[/b] Siena answered. [b]“Mum, you should eat more. You’ll get sick.”[/b] the girl pouted. [b]“I won’t. Now be a good girl and don’t make too much noise.”[/b] the woman told her kindly and went to freshen herself up in the bathroom. She was already dressed in her business suit, thus a change of clothes was not required. [b]“You hear that? She always says she’ll be ok, but she still gets sick from lack of vitamins. How careless.”[/b] she quietly complained to her phone, where her new friend was, but then continued casually [b]“By the way, you never answered my question about what kind of food you liked. I love waffles in the morning, but if I could, I would have them any time. Mum makes them with sugar, but I like adding a topping as well. Right now, we have cherry jam, honey and prune jam. Which do you like the most?”[/b] Albeit it seemed like a thoughtless inquiry, like idle chatter without a meaning, the girl’s words had reason to them. Her relationship with Candra had begun rather awkwardly and the best way to mend it was to get to know the other. Even if it wasn’t the best choice of topic, Sophie wished to get a conversation started so she could get a peek at this person’s personality. So far she had only seen their serious formal expression, but there had to be more sides of them hidden behind that first layer. Curious and overly friendly, she hoped that she could create a good bond with her new companion. A couple of minutes later, Siena opened the kitchen door and spoke: [b]“Sophie, I’m leaving.”[/b] [b]“Bye bye.”[/b] the fifteen-year-old responded cheerfully. With that the mother headed out, locking the front door behind her. Sophie devoured another waffle with cherry jam before she put away the jars, placed the dishes and the spoons in the sink and left the remaining waffles in a box, which then was left inside the fridge. Tori had used the bathroom to do his business and had eaten silently from his bowl the entire time. Now he followed his mistress swiftly on his little legs as they entered her room. [b]“Oh, sheesh. No Internet. No signal. No communication.”[/b] the girl sighed, her phone in her hand. Once more, she jumped when thunder rolled in from outside. It was already thirteen minutes past seven in the morning and the skies remained as grey and as gloomy as they had been an hour ago. [b]“What to do, what to do…”[/b] she wondered and looked her her dog. [b]“Oh, we can practice your tricks, Tori.”[/b] she smiled, to which her pet wagged its short tail. [b]“Now, where did I leave that wand?”[/b] Turning around to look in her room, Sophie noticed the box on her bed and it took her a few seconds to remember why it was there. [b]“Oh, right, the key!”[/b] she said in surprise and walked over to it. Picking the small object up from its resting place, it truly looked like a regular old key. [b]“Alright! Lets try this, Candra!”[/b] Spinning childishly around, the young girl went over to her bedroom door and unlocked it. What followed was something she would never forget.