[center][B][U]Tetsujin, Iyana.[/U][/B][/center] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/1115/d9cb9e157f69c3f65c297933d84ff94650e19df9.jpg?1158258[/img][/center] [hider=General Data] [B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Tetsujin, Iyana. [I][U]Nickname/Alias:[/U][/I] N/A. [I][U]Gender:[/U][/I] Female. [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 18. [U][I]Age Appearance:[/I][/U] 18. [U][I]Sexuality:[/I][/U] Heterosexual. [B][U]Village:[/U][/B] Kumogakure. [U][I]Birthplace:[/I][/U] Kumogakure. [U][I]Organization:[/I][/U] Empire. [B][U]Clan/Kekkei Genkai:[/U][/B] Tetsujin/None. [B][U]Rank:[/U][/B] Chuunin(C rank). [B][U]Chakra Nature:[/U][/B] [B]Lightning[/B], [I]Fire,[/I] and [S]Wind[/S]. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] While she is indeed a rebellious girl, Iyana has learned to stifle her temper ever since it nearly got her killed during the invasion and hostile take over of her home, Kumogakure. As such she tends to wear a cool mask, her features telling little of the raging inferno within, one that wishes to recklessly burn the shackles of order and release her and those around her to freedom once more. As such she appears as a fierce girl with a harsh gaze and generally unforgiving manner. Thus far she seems only to bow her head in the face of great danger, or those who she is forced to acknowledge as her betters. Still below all this she is a girl with a cool, but reckless, temperament. Possessing a natural slyness about her, Iyana tends to have no problem saying exactly what's on her mind no matter if it is rude or completely insulting, unless of course doing so would threaten her life, though that hasn't always stopped her. Holding a blunt mentality and a rather straight to the point approach to most situations, Iyana is a tomboy, disliking [I]girly[/I] things for the most part and pretty much refusing to partake in that manner of activity. A bit of a tsundere, Iyana will begrudgingly accept compliments or attempt to brush them off, while secretly enjoying them despite herself. Regardless, she generally dislikes most things that the other girls enjoy, like flowers, dresses, and looking [I]cute[/I]. Boys on the other hand do interest her, though she has a tendency to either ignore them, or look down on them as the less elegant of the sexes. As such she has ended up an outcast among her peers for the most part. Whereas most would say Iyana was fairly smart before the Empire's takeover, they tend to say she's more than just clever ever since. With her being unable to display many of her more reckless traits due to the likelihood of her being reprimanded, or worse, she has developed much less blunt methods. As before she often entertains herself with long trains of thought, allowing herself to consider a myriad of possibilities and situations. Thinking herself more mature than her peers despite her stubborn, unyielding nature, she will offer her help to those she logically deems weaker, or dumber, than herself. Beyond this though, she will stay out of people's business unless someone explicitly asks her for help or she is directly confronted at which point she may decline anyways. Additionally it should be noted that, while she does have a reckless nature, she is in fact not short tempered, preferring to keep her anger under control unless of course certain anger triggers are hit. When such does occur, the girl tends to go cold with rage allowing her to retain her logic, but still easily express her hatred and anger towards the one who dared to stir her temper from its slumber. Still, below her tough exterior is, at the very least, a girl who has been hurt. She doesn't trust easily, but when she does you've got yourself a friend of undying loyalty...as long as you never break that trust that is. [B][I]History:[/I][/B] Born to a loving family, Iyana was happy throughout the early years of her childhood till, at the tender age of eight her mother died while out on a mission. Withdrawing into herself from the grief, Iyana at first became a quiet girl and then, after being bullied at school and taking a dislike to her father, who was on the mission and thus took the blame from his daughter, she developed a rather rude, almost bullying personality. Gradually she came to dislike the other girls and their luck, their femininity, even trying to hide her own body as she gradually bloomed. The academy didn't present much of a challenge to her, in fact it was an annoyance as she was forced to deal with the petty children day in and day out. She was pretty happy, or as happy as she really got, when she graduated and got her own team. At least then she would only have to deal with them. Then, training for the last few years, she managed to get skilled enough to create her own style of combat. Proud of her and her teammates their sensei decided to enter them in the chuunin exams two years ago. Except, Iyana refused to enter, considering the majority of the contestants were [I]'below her'[/I] in both maturity and ability. While her sensei didn't disagree, he couldn't exactly say such so he simply lectured her, which she pretty much ignored, and sent her off to train. Ironically that had been her goal to begin with. Ever since then she has trained and done the missions as necessary, though she never really liked them. It was only the next time that the chuunin exams were held that she finally decided to participate, deeming that she might as well get it over with so she could move on with her life. Nonetheless, she was rather annoyed throughout and while she found the tasks themselves challenging, the contestants were still lacking. Granted, it was unfair since she had trained harder and longer than most of them anyways. Because of this her arrogance was carried with her throughout and she did not know when to temper it till the war struck her head on. Thrown into contact mere months after becoming a chuunin, Iyana was unprepared as Kumogakure was stormed by the mysterious Empire and swiftly taken over. She was laid low, but managed to survive intact...for the most part. She did lose something, and while her body was largely unharmed, her pride took a hit and she has been a bit less...open in her rebellion ever since. Still, beneath her false obedience is a fire that builds ever stronger, threatening to burn her away. The war, and the empire's control which has been wrested upon her hasn't effected her too much thus far.As such she has naively stayed with the empire. Who knows if it will last though, especially considering her temperament. With news of the rebellion trickling in, she is not likely to stay in the empire's sway for long, but who knows...maybe they'll cull her yet. [U][I]Theme Song:[/I][/U] [youtube]owVrfk91wMk[/youtube][/hider] ========================================= [hider=Equipment Data] [B][U]Base Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] X explosive tags. X smoke bombs. X kunai X shuriken X wire [B][U]Specialized Weapons & Items:[/U][/B] [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Short swords [B]Description:[/B] Two chakra conductive, japanese short swords, their blades are roughly 1.5 feet in length, with their total length being roughly two feet. ==================== [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Chisoku gyōretsu([I]遅速行列[/I]Velocity matrix). [B]Description:[/B] A particularly special katana given to her by her deceased mother, Chisoku gyōretsu has an intricate seal etched onto its form. This seal, in tangent with the chakra conductive metal that it was forged from, creates a figurative space within the blade where there is none in the physical sense. This sealed space can be accessed only by Iyana and the blade's creator. This space is formatted by the seal itself, causing any chakra conducted through the blade, regardless of elemental affinity, to be sped up or slowed down a particular amount depending on the will of the user. This will, by default, cause the blade to become sharper as it acts much like a high frequency blade, making it able to cut through even metal should enough chakra be conducted through it, or utilized properly by a skilled user. This blade does have a sheath, but it is actually sealed on the inner facing portion of Iyana's left forearm. There is a seal placed on her right hand that corresponds with it, allowing the girl to draw the blade fully out with sheath attached, or to quick draw and unsheath the blade directly from the seal to go straight into an attack. With practice, Iyana has learned to unsheath the blade whilst within the seal and then draw it out immediately. The blade is made to be especially durable so as to withstand extreme amounts of pressure. This is so that it can properly withstand the rapidly moving chakra that it is made to contain. There is a secondary set of seals placed on both the blade and Iyana's left hand. She is currently unaware of what the properties of these seals. There is some kind of mechanism on the grip of the blade, but she is unable to activate it at current time. Appears as depicted in her profile picture.[/hider] ========================================= [hider=Combat Data] [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] Ambidextrous Faster than normal Excessive creativity Considerable stamina Average chakra reserves Extensive chakra control Above Average skill in Kenjutsu [B][U]Techniques:[/U][/B] [B]Canon Jutsu[/B] [I]All basic and academy level techniques.[/I] Chakra Inpei no Jutsu(Chakra Suppression Technique) [Basic technique] [url=http://naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Summoning:_Lightning_Flash_Blade_Creation]Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka(Summoning: Lightning Flash Blade Creation):[/url] Linked to all weaponry and the palms of the user's hands in this case. [B]Custom Jutsu[/B] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] In'ei kabaa([I]阴影カバー[/I] 'Shade covering'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Nintaijutsu/Supplementary ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] D-A. [D-B] [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Variable. [B]Handseals:[/B] 4. [B]Description:[/B] Coating her entire body with a cloak of chakra, Iyana can utilize her incredible level of chakra control to further manipulate the chakra in the cloak, which is actually around two times the amount necessary to coat her body, allowing her to extend various portions of it or even form extra limbs, similar to the cloak of a jinchuuriki, though she has never seen such a thing. This cloak of chakra is conductive of other chakra, allowing her to channel elemental affinities into it to add additional effects. When lightning affinity chakra, her's or otherwise (at or below the rank of the technique) is channeled through the cloak it amplifies the cutting ability of her body as well as her natural reaction time and physical speed. At D rank the increase in speed is minor. At C rank her reaction time is multiplied by 2, whereas her speed is increased from enhanced running to being able to zip back and forth at speeds just short of vanishing from sight, this is the point that the technique becomes strenuous. At B rank the cloak can shock those it comes into contact with, stunning them for up to 4 seconds, The user's speed is goes to twice that of their base speed, allowing them to, at max, disappear for several moments and cover anywhere between 1 foot and 8 meters at a time. When fire affinity chakra is channeled through the cloak she gains a resistance to fire-based techniques (and heat in general). Additionally, wind affinity techniques will only increase the potency of the cloak. Lastly, the cloak will become inflamed, the heat depending on the rank of the technique. At D rank the heat is enough to be uncomfortable to those who come near it, and enough to cause pain upon contact, though not very much. At C rank this technique will cause burning pain within 2 feet of the cloak and direct exposure will cause first degree burns after 1-3 seconds. Being immersed in the cloak for any amount of time will cause slightly greater damage. At B rank the cloak will cause the D rank effects 4 feet away, the C rank effects 2 feet away and direct contact will cause severe scalding of any flesh in contact with the cloak. Additionally, the cloak Prolonged contact increases the damaging, or other effects of the cloak regardless of affinity. Beyond this, the cloak itself can be used for other purposes, making it a highly useful and adaptive technique. [B]Weakness:[/B] Variable depending on the element and the particular use however, generally In'ei kabaa has a weakness to physical piercing attacks. At C rank the technique becomes strenuous, and at B rank it becomes difficult to maintain over long durations of time. The initial manifestation of In'ei Kabaa is typically D rank, but this can be modified by the user. The initial manifestation at D rank can usually last for the length of an average battle. At B rank the technique (at Iyana's current level) can only last for 1/4th of a battle, making it capable of lasting anywhere between 5 and eight minutes. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Zōkyō([I]増強[/I] 'Augmentation'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu/Supplementary nintaijutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] D-B. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] 4. [B]Description:[/B] A multifarious technique, Zōkyō allows Iyana to either form portions of In'ei kabaa on her body to attack or defend with. Additionally, Zōkyō can also be used to focus her chakra in different areas of her body, thus allowing her to either strengthen their durability or attack power. Lastly this technique can be utilized in the bodies of others or even weapons to augment them in some way. However, when used on others it is temporary or she can even cause painful sensations to occur due to the fact that reversing and messing with the chakra flow and distribution of the enemy can cause physical results such as weakening the physical integrity of their bodies. This applies to objects as well. [B]Weakness:[/B] Requires contact and can only be active for increments of two minutes. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Tojita kaiten([I]閉じた回転[/I] 'Closed revolutions'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C-S. [B] [B]Range:[/B] 0-10 meters. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] 4. [B]Description:[/B] By either creating a chakratic construct, utilizing one of the aforementioned techniques, or a chakra conductive weapon Iyana is capable of mimicking the effects of Chisoku gyōretsu's internal abilities. This is of course less effective than the actual katana, but does have the potential to become something much greater. For the moment Iyana is capable of creating fairly fast rotating disks and throwing them as deadly cutting implements. At B rank the technique's efficiency is increased making it less difficult to maintain. but still taking the same amount of chakra as before. [B]Weakness:[/B] Takes a lot of focus to maintain and typically a lot of chakra as well despite her focus on control of such. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Dōki junkan([I]同期循環[/I] 'Synchronous Circulation'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] A. [B]Range:[/B] Contact-10 meters. [B]Nature Type:[/B] Variable or N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] 17. [B]Description:[/B] Through the utilization of Chisoku gyōretsu's unique ability and the technique Tojita kaiten, Iyana links the two techniques, forming an elongated ovular chakratic construct which surrounds the blade. This construct is directly linked to any chakra that is being conducted through Chisoku gyōretsu and the speed at which it revolves is determined by the speed of the chakra within the blade. This construct can be released from the blade through a thrusting or slashing motion. The former action will cause the construct to compress on itself forming a dense, and thin blade of chakra which will be flung from the blade at high speed. This continues for 10 meters or until it hits something, at which point the construct will either dissipate or form a deep gash in whatever material it comes into contact with the length of which is equal to the blade's and the depth of which tends to be 1-8 inches depending on the material. The latter action will cause the construct to sharpen around the tip of the blade and then thrust forwards, undulating throughout until it passes 10 meters or hits something. Upon contact with something the construct's chakra will become trapped in the tip, vibrating and circulating in that spot and almost drilling through whatever material it hits. The last effect of the outer construct being thrown off is the temporary externalization of the internal chakra, causing a burst to thrust outwards from the blade's edge for roughly 10 seconds before it is pulled back into the blade. This temporary externalization more or less creates an extended and invisible edge to the blade, making it able to cut, but only in a slashing motion, 4 inches in front of itself. [B]Weakness:[/B] Dodge it. Additionally, the jutsu requires focus and while it can be augmented with an elemental affinity, Iyana is not yet skilled enough to do so. ==================== [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Fu shintō-sei no ryōiki([I]不浸透性の領域[/I] 'Impermeable field'). [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Ninjutsu. [B]Rank:[/B] C. [B]Range:[/B] N/A. [B]Nature Type:[/B] N/A. [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A. [B]Description:[/B] Through programming the chakra of In'ei kabaa, Iyana increases its solidity. This allows the chakra to be treated the same as a solid substance by objects and the like in her environment. This technique also allows her to make her chakra cloak static as she pleases. While certain amounts of force applied to it can still cause its shape to shift, this would mean anyone inside it other than Iyana herself would be more or less unable to move. This also allows her to create more effective cutting implements with the chakra. [B]Weakness:[/B] Certain amounts of force depending on the situation.[/hider]