Charon sniffled a few times, feeling extraordinarily out of place when he wasn't in a bedroom. Though he wasn't the smartest of them, he was a lot more observant than most gave him credit for; he wasn't one of their schemers for nothing. It appeared both groups had reached a treaty for the time being. Conversing with each other, even. What was going on? He groaned, wondering if it was really Beelzebub that had worsened his wounds. Edge had clawed at him, that was true, bjt his king had only ripped open a hole in his stomach. Someone else did the rest. Skylark buried his face in the crook of his brother's neck, which was warm and moist from the heat waves. He was so angry, and didn't bring himself to speak to Beelzebub as his brother was. Maybe he was afraid, not of the hydra, but of saying a bad words when Daddy wouldn't want him to. Why hadn't Regnum found Daddy or Father somewhere upstairs? They would never leave him- them. Thinking of the Daddy that took such good care of them when they were eggs, and the Father who was so strong and handsome and loving, who would take them on an adventure, he whispered tearily to his brother, "What... if Daddy's never coming back?" He cried and broke away from his brother then, stumbling toward Regnum and the heat burning away his tears. He sobbed violently, hammering his fists against the obsidian floor. We don't need anyone to take care of us but Daddy and Father!" Skylark screamed, wanting to call closer but Terra snatched him up and began carrying away. He didn't hit her, though he wanted to. "Where are my parents?! Where are Edge and Relin?! WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY PARENTS YOU MONSTERS?!" He screamed loudly, accusingly, Terra trying to rock him but he angrily fought his way out of her grip, wiping tears from his eyes. "I want my Father..." He sobbed brokenly, quickly wasting what little water he had left in the form of tears. "Give me my Father back-" "Your parents, if they're not here, they must be-" Skylark screamed. December sat I him, causing the other young-looking hydra to squeak and fall backwards. "They must be looking for you! Edge loves you an awful lot, you know. Both of you." Skylark stared emotionlessly, seemingly satisfied with her answer. He liked hiding away and pretending everything was okay. He was sheltered by his doting parents, while they still were his Daddy and Father. Before one had lost his heart, and the other, his mind. "But until then you need to listen to us, okay? If out don't, you might not be able to see your parents again." Skylark brightened up. "If I listen, I can see Daddy and Father again?!?" He squealed excitedly, face a shoe of pure bliss. He would kiss and hug and love his parents. His precious Father. "Yeah, in due time." December said slower, the death glare Noire sending her helping to shut her up. Skylark skipped back to Sleipnir , so happy that to the adults who knew better, it hurt to watch. "Daddy and Father are looking for us!" He squealed before running over to December and hugging her tightly. She was a lot like Daddy, and the dragons reminded him of Father. But she had comforted him. "Thank you." He said shyly before rolling back to Leo and hugging him tightly as well. "I'll listen, I'll be good from now on!" He promised, aloud. December sailed warmly, then looked away to hide the tears of regret. Did she just give him something worse than the truth? Meanwhile' Forte had a hand on Beelzebub's shoulder, "Calm down, buddy. I believe you. But if you go berserk, the dragons will... do something. I know you hate Edge," He said, oblivious to the warm relationship the angry hydra and his king used to share, "But if you wanna kill him you have to survive today." He added in a more hushed tone,though everyone could make out words. Only the adults could hear all of it. "You're not killing Edge, you sicko!" Charon growled.