Gilfred reluctantly woke from some of the first restful sleep he had in a while, he groggily opened his eyes as he pulled himself into a sitting position, and then from there to his feet. Yawning widely he took his share of the food, his stomach growling for real food and not the MRE's he had been eating. Taking a bite of egg and cheese he chewed thoughtfully and cleared his head as his usual alertness began to break through the heavy veil of his unwillingness to wake up entirely. Looking around the cave he was glad to note that most of the others were in fact there, and had not left in the night,. He finished with this as the old man began to speak, but his attention wavered as a glint from the table caught his eyes. Amongst the staffs, knifes and other such things sat two plate gauntlets, each on either side of a sheathed broadsword. His interest piqued Gilfred stepped up to the objects, the brass colored gauntlets shimmered in the dim light, the silver shard and inlaid designs catching the light. Without much of a second thought Gilfred slipped the two gauntlets unto his arms. When they were on completely each began to tighten, becoming the perfect size for Gilfred’s lower arms. [i]”Very… interesting.”[/i] He thought to himself, amazed a large smile on his face as he inspected the two pieces of armor. Both hummed against his skin, their powers mixing with his own. Reaching out once more Gilfred grasped the sword and unsheathed it with one fluid movement, the metal making a rasping sound as it cleared the leather. The blade was about 40 inches long, and shone with the same high polish, broken only in the bottom 12 inches where expertly inscribed vertical old English script simply spelled out the name of the blade, [i]”Clarent”[/i]. The hilt and crossbar were standard shape, made up of a slightly darker steel and dark wood coverings for the hilt, its ornamentation came from a piece of iron set in the pommel. Returning the sword to its sheath, Gilfred belted it around his waist and went to once more talk with the others, someone had to have a plan. As he left the table and wandered back to the main group he saw his brother, Will, talking to Shida about something. He didn’t think much of it until he was next to will and Shida made his, slightly crass, in Gilfred’s opinion, proposition. That was when he was nudged by Will, who uttered the famous words, [i][b]"Yo, check this out..."[/i][/b] This simple expression made Gilfred grimace slightly, as it usually meant something funny,or chaotic, or both, was about to occur due in no small part to his brother. He was proven right when the orb of water came crashing down on Shida’s head, eliciting a grin and snicker from Gilfred. Shaking his head he stepped to the sides as things began to escalate. “Play nice” he said in a half joking tone as he began to walk away, keeping side glance on the pair incase it got out of control . Letting the two go at it he joined the group discussing tactics. As he listened he found that the main plan seemed to be to split up and hit both Riverdale and Rock Hill at midnight. [i][b] "I agree with Beau. We're going to need to split up if we want to do the most damage this early in the game."[/i][/b] Gilfred nodded in agreement as Aerilyn spoke. The plan did make the most sense, hit two supply points, one a production point and split the attention of the Vygorns. Split their attention, split their forces. Split their forces, better survival chance and slower reaction time. “You can count my vote with the two of yours” He said after a few moments of mental deliberation.