It is splendid at how many have shown interest and I welcome each and everyone of you to share our insanity. Ryv based on the merit you have shown and continue to show, you are now the Sub-GM of Chrono Asylum. =) Congratulation. Now onwards to the character analysis. But before we start, everyone should read up on the current roster of Asylums so as not to make character similar to the ones that have already been created. Reaper: Reaper I really like the general idea of your two characters, and I love the detail and thought you have placed in them. However I do need to guide you a little in the lore. I am sure you will enjoy it, as it makes everything that much challenging. Now an Asylum can only craft up to 3 sigils at a time and no more. The reason for this is, sigils require a considerable amount of pressure to maintain as they are rather destructive. Hence sigils on all cards is not possible. Also once a sigil is ignited, or casted the sigil fades away, hence a sigil isn't permanent and needed to be re-crafted. Next a weapon cannot have alchemic properties of its own. So far there is no such thing as an "alchemic weapon". The Alchemists can channel his energy through the weapon, however the alchemic power remains the same in no way does it magnify. Also my character Reri too has hetrosemmetric eyes, like Jason. I was hoping that characteristic stays exclusively to her, as it is her defining characteristic. However if you are attached to that concept as well and do not wish to part you are welcome to keep it. xD However with that said, you will have to change the part about that person having a sigil in his eye. The fact is sigils fade upon being ignited hence it is impossible. I really like Fiora's alchemic specialization. Phasing is a very cool power and I liked her history a lot as well. xD I get a samurai vibe from her. Okay next up is El_Tigre! Tickers, awesome name for a bomb. =P Also I really like Aden's character, his no nonsense attitude coupled with his business image and personality go together brilliantly. Should be fun to see them in action. With that said I would like to welcome the both of your to Chrono Asylum.