Also everyone, here is the summary of the events (as Ryv already pointed out) that have transpired so far. Now Chrono Asylum is an RP that is laced with intricate details that meld together at future points hence understanding what has happened before is imperative if you wish to enjoy the story and lore. ------------Xx------xX----------- A.M.R.O is no longer the only one of its kind as slowly several other organizations are taking root in an attempt to share the monopoly that A.M.R.O has acquired in Alchemy and its sheer influence. However A.M.R.O will not stand for any rogue activity that is unpredictable or wreckless. The story starts with the Gemellie eradicating a meeting of one such deranged organization known as the Forsaken Kings, individuals who believe Alchemy gives them a right to rule. Once the Gemellie take care of that they along with several other teams are suddenly sent to Vegas on an urgent notice. Namely because a tip has been dropped that the Circus will be coming there. Out of all the Organizations very few actually stand to pose a threat to A.M.R.O. Circus is one such organization, they have also strangely managed to avoid A.MR.O's tracking for more than 2 years and now out of the blue they are said to make an appearance. A.M.R.O wants to understand their intentions. Once the teams appear in Vegas, the Gemellie are randomly attacked by a rogue Alchemist who peaks Angel's interest. Once the rogue is easily defeated Angel starts a game. The game serves as an ice breaker and also the loser of that game gets to take on the role of the bait, the most undesired role. The objective of the game is to track down a little orb of energy, hence it is sort of race and the only rule is to maintain discretion in front of the public. The game eventually kicks in as Angel throws the orb near the outskirts of Vegas and mentally declares the game has started. The Asylums reach the end point and start a friendly battle to see who gets to grab the orb first and as it turns out Maeve gets a hold of it and is suddenly paralyzed/ In the back ground we realize Angel has invaded Kiara's mind and is telling her of his plan to use all the Asylums as bait. He tells her the Kings knew where they were and suspects a traitor within their ranks, he also tells her the leader of the Kings is one of the council of four. The Kings are cowards and wouldn't have appeared if the Asylums were in tip top condition, so he set up this game to wear them down and since he telepathically announced this game to everyone, the Kings knew exactly where to ambush them. If that wasn't worse enough, he also laced the ball of energy with a paralyzing poison so as to tempt the Kings even more. His end game the Kings would abduct the paralyzed Asylum and take her to their base and in doing so lead the Asylums right to them. Currently the Asylums are facing Gadrael one strong, bad mofo. The joint effort of the Asylum results in Gadrael being wounded and bound to chains and impaled by shadows manifesting as spikes. However before the killing blow can be delivered Gadrael does something that is taboo but more so the knowledge of which was though to be extinct. He used a form of forbidden alchemy known as 'sacrifical alchemy'. By destroy his right hand he gained unimaginable power and quickly dispatched the Asylum, leaving them all in critical condition. Eventually however, the damage took its toll and Gadrael quickly retreated but not before abducting the paralyzed Asylum Maeve. The Gemellie soon appeared afterwards and cleared the battlefield of the remaining enemies and took the injured to A.M.R.O bunker located underneath the Caesar palace in Las Vegas. There these injured Asylums are recuperating in healing pods. Once recuperated the Gemellie then discuss the gravity of the situation everyone is. The Asylums have seen something they weren't supposed to and now are wanted by A.M.R.O. The duty to kill these Asylum's fell on the Chrono who refused to do so and as such, Reri will be held accountable. With no way out, the Gemellie offer the Asylums two choices. The first, join the Gemellie on a quest to prove that the Chrono made the right choice in sparing the Asylums by them proving their worth. The second, emptying a clip in their mouths. ------Xx----xX----- [b]IMPORTANT[/b] Now I am sure all of the new players are wondering how exactly will they enter the RP at such a point. The fact is several Asylums randomly appearing in the bunker will be a tad cliche and a tad monotonous. I have a better introduction for the newbies, something I am sure each and everyone one of you will enjoy quite a bit. Now some where along the story I dropped a hint that someone is invigilating the Asylums from the shadows, as such this person now knows that there are Asylums that know more than they should. Now the span between this secret agent finding out the truth and the Asylums recuperating in the bunker is approximately one day. In this one day, all the new entrants will have been contacted by this person known as 'The Lizard'. Each of you will have but one instruction head to the bunker in Vegas and kill the Asylums present there. In essence your jobs will be to clean up. Now I think that's as great a start as any, however it gets a little more interesting. We have had a few drop outs in Chrono Asylums and as such there is a rule, those that leave have their characters killed. The honor of this kill will belong to the new RPers. Your characters will get to control, combat and kill the Asylums I will name. Isn't that exciting for a first post? xD But this still doesn't include all your characters into the plot line. Now once the specified Asylums are dead and before more carnage can ensue, Reri (the Chrono) will trump the authority of the Lizard and as such bring the Asylums present under the Gemellie. With that done we will move on with the main plot line. This is the general blue print of what is to happen.