[quote=Charlevoix] Count me in. I love X-Men! If this works out that'd be sweet. I love superheroes. [/quote] Same! Glad to have you aboard! [quote=Shard] I'd like to give this a try. I hope this RP isn't too slow, though. While I hope it doesn't get 10 replies a day, I do hope that we'll see a few every other day... [/quote] Well, whilst I don't like speed posting, I do like to see a post at least every other day (all every 3 days, minimum) from all participants unless they've said specifically why they can't. It's achieving that perfect balance between steady and interesting! [quote=Scoundrel] I'm interested as well. I like X-men based RPs. I have a question though, what is the setting of this RP? Should our characters be/start in a place considered as a safe haven for mutants? or anything similar? [/quote] The setting is pretty much just like today's world, with the exception of mutants; probably USA, (because I'm guessing most people are from there) but I always like to keep it deliberately vague, as I can't boast that I know that much about America, as it is not somewhere I've been. Our character will be living their various daily lives, most likely concealing their mutation from society initially before some kind of event forces them to interact - I'll be clearer in the OOC about it. But it will be something that could kick start a war, e.g. a powerful mutant rebels, or the likes. I'll confess I haven't entire planned it out but the plot is in progress. Think the beginning of X-men: First Class. [quote=AcerRo] I'm in this as well. Far warning though, my grammar leaves a little to be desired. It's by no means unreadable, just no the best in the world. [/quote] That's fine! As long as you make an effort, I'll be happy!