The though of school had been a mystery to him, being rich he'd be home schooled throughout the entire past of his life, he wasn't too able with socialising, however he'd be able to do anything if it would benefit him in the longer run of things. He sat gloriously in one of the grand couches of the very vast, decorated and beautiful living room of the Primus Manor. In the room with him were seven guards, all placed in strategical positions. It had always amused him how the Primus family valued number rather than quality. He'd seen them train on a number of occasions and he could safely say that the royal guard in his possession would be able to down almost every guard in the Primus family without question. He'd always thought of himself as an Emperor, befitting of anything given to him and able to perform anything asked of him. As he contemplated over the Legion itself, the 9 royal guards under his command and the almost endless numbers of soldiers fighting crime he had a chuckle before taking the final sip of his drinking and standing up, clad in the most beautiful of suits, covered in a slight lining of golden colour at the edges of the suit itself and two diamonds placed on the lapel around his neck. ''Take me to this Akuma High School.'' He commanded with a surprising amount of authority, almost affecting the physical world itself with only his words. ''As you command, my lord.'' Said the head butler and escorted him to the second of a three car convoy covered in tinted windows. He slowly walked down the stairs of the grand manor and as he did this the Butler rushed to the car and opened the back seat door, allowing Augustus to simply walk in and sit down in the very comfortable back-seat. The car he sat inside looked like a limo, a more armoured limo with clear modifications in term of protection. The two cars in front and behind the limo were also heavily armed with guards and the cars armour itself. Once at school the convoy stopped, the butler walked out, opened the door and out came Augustus, looking like a true king he walked in the center of attention, in a separate world of his own, surrounded on all sides by people who wanted to see the class board, yet they made way for him once he'd arrived. [i]Class A-666, how convenient.[/i] He thought as he finally found his name on the list, as he turned around he found that almost every student were gazing at him as if he was out of place, as if he belonged in a grander place, personally he thought that they were right, however this also held a good authority over others, seeing as he was thought of as grander than the average human. As he made his way though the school and onto the fourth floor he found himself walking just behind a more average woman than himself. As she walked in she must not have seen him at the corner of her eye. He walked in without curiosity or question, seeing as this was the only room on the fourth floor and that all the other rooms were to few and too low in number, therefore he was without doubt at the right location. ''Greetings, commoner.'' He said casually and rather monotonously as he found his way into the center of the front, which belongs to the teacher and the teachers podium. He stared straight at the woman with uncaring eyes, blank of expression and spoke again. ''How do you do?