In a way, physical pain was a novelty at Yamaku. Many students were hypoalgesic to varying degrees and some would have been grateful for the sensation. Fuyuki was not one of these people. He groaned soundlessly as the dull aches set in and took the nearest handhold to pull himself up; in this case it appeared to be the hand of another student, male and a damn sight bigger than himself. For a moment Fuyuki paused, trying to remember where he had seen this particular face. After a few seconds he was able to pull himself together and reached for his PDA. As he typed, another student came barreling down the staircase, presumably the one he had walked into... [b]'Thank you. I am unhurt; the fall was not as bad as it looked. My apologies for the inconvenience.'[/b] As ever his computer played the words aloud in a soft, androgynous voice, toneless and flat. While he had grown used to composing full sentences rapidly, sometimes it came out a bit disjointed. He turned his attention to the other boy, a foreigner it turned out and gave a little smile. [i]Not one of the ones I saw at the ceremony... An unknown factor.[/i] The lad was panicking, clearly flustered by the turn of events. [b]'I am uninjured, please do not. Worry.'[/b] Inwardly Fuyuki cursed both of them for seeing him like this... If reputation was everything then this whole altercation could be a serious problem. The best he could do was allay their concerns and leave ASAP. He stretched out, testing his arms and legs, hopping on the spot, before giving them both a cheerful smile. [b]'See? No permanent harm done. I must apologise for my lack of awareness and will endeavor to ensure that this does... not happen again.'[/b] As he typed Fuyuki noted another student passing them, this time one he recognised. He gave Ueda a respectful nod as the older student walked on, wondering if his dossier needed updating as well... For the moment, there was the more urgent matter of deflecting the attention of these two. [b]'What years are you both in? I am Todoroki Fuyuki, a second year.'[/b] He tilted his gaze to the foreigner with a quizzical look. [b]'As thanks for checking on me, would you like any assistance?'[/b] While he was also eager to assist the other student in forgetting about this farce, he still couldn't pin the name down. And besides, that expressionless face was getting scarier by the second...