Night falls over the quaint city of Akane, Japan.The city was nestled into the mountains. Rivers, cherry blossom trees, everything like stereotypical Japan. The college was the main attraction for the city other than the giant cherry blossom grove that people came from miles around to come and visit. Absolutely gorgeous in the spring time, with the blossoms in bloom and the petals raining down on the paths; clogging the river with the pink petals. As the sun sets, the moon rises and the citizens of Akane start to fall asleep one by one. Several special people as they slip away into dreams, will all find themselves in the same dream. Lying on the same soft green grass, the warm breeze coming over them gently. The grass was tall and moved in the breeze, rippling against the breeze. A sun loomed over them, making the air pleasantly warm. Everything about it started to lull them to be lazy in the grass. The scent of flowers floated through the air. A melody danced through the air, a soft serene lullaby lulling them further into a daze. They lay in the grass for several long minutes, the clearing was perfect, calm, serene. A hedge maze grew on their right, the melody's floating from there. They all laid under the tree. But only a few moments passed before a woman's voice broke into their minds. "Wake up!-- Wake up! Or you will stay this way forever!" The voice was frantic, shouting in fear, trying to stir them away. "Get up! They are coming!" She shouted, "In your hands there should be something that looks like a gun! Use it to fight them! Now! You have the potential! You need to use it to cast them away!" Out of the gap in the hedge maze came tall willowy monsters, paper thin. Writing scribbled all over their skin. Their bodies folded like origami, but moving and growling like the monster's they represented. They stalked towards the group, lowering themselves to the ground watching them.