Kuro, Andrej "I'm not one to socialize with others....at all, really......." Kuro replied, staring at Adrej's horns that were still stuck in the tree's branches. He sighed, before speaking again, "Let me help you out there. Or else we're going to be late getting to the Stadium....". Kuro had exceptionally good hearing, plus the fact that since he uses his wolf form so much, his ears have tuned into them. Without waiting for a answer, Kuro had climbed up the tree and was now fiddling with the branches, which were wildly surrounding Adrej's horns. Kuro fiddled with them, his fingers being delicate and nimble. "Can you predict the weather? If not, it's fine, I'm alright with it. You are who you are, I guess....I like you, anyway." He unconsciously said aloud. Soon after, he blushed furiously before turning his head away, still fiddling with the branches.