The metallic clang of his hefty armor was sure to announce his presence long before he even arrived to the battlefield properly, turning a wooded pathway he was met with the sight of a rather remarkably large tree and two men. One clad in soft garb and the other winged, it seemed that the winged one was speaking up to the resting one who was obviously comfortable in the tree. Mayhaps they had received the same invitation that he had. The winged one voiced upwards at the man in the tree a question. [i]"Are you a nephilim?"[/i] The Overlord's head tilted slightly as he overheard this. Deciding that even though it is considered rude to answer a question you aren't asked he would answer. "Nephilim?" In a tone that was clearly that of a man from high society with a remarkably calm voice for one who would be considered an abomination by normal men. "Why, do you happen to mean the offspring of the sons of god and daughters of man? Those giant folk of angelic heritage? I don't believe the man you speak to would be a Nephilim. He's shorter than I am, and I look up to most of their kind." Though it was clearly a faked cough, he cleared his throat. "Now, I apologize for my intrusion but I received a letter through a courier and I'm wondering if I am in the correct place. It claimed that in this forest I would meet my demise, on the way here I dispatched two would-be assassins and a brigand. Now, if I am correct, would you just so happen to be the ones that I'm to meet by end by? If so, I'm prepared to face you in honorable combat. If not, I must apologize for my brazen actions over the course of the next five minutes." From his left hand side he grasps the handle of a blade that is hanging off his hip by a length of leather, This blade is as long as he is tall and half as wide. While slowly withdrawing it from its strap he speaks. "Due to my suspicious nature, I must in fact take your lives to prevent any chance of you taking mine in the future. I do hope you understand. But I didn't take upon this grizzly visage of a lich to die to the hands of an upstart." With the light sound of air being pushed out of the way he fully withdrew the sword and pointed it at the boy with wings. "I suppose I shall take you first, you seem to be unprepared."