As more and more people entered the classroom he was caught by surprise, whilst everything was more on-point, it suddenly became slow and casual, there was this one man whom asked a wonderful question. [i]Are we demons?[/i] He thought to himself and smiled, glaring towards the man he answered quite confidently with a terrifying smile on his lips. ''Hell, I'm the Devil.'' He said and became silent once again, returning to the same monotone and casual facial appearance. He followed the movements of this interesting man and suddenly he was caught yet again by another figure. She had just started to perform an out-of-the-ordinary anime like entrance, something he'd heard from some of his more Japanese bodyguards speaking about when he'd walked past them in the manor. [i]Ooh..? School seems like an interesting place, for me to play around, that is.[/i] He thought to himself. She wasn't a bad looking woman but her entrance gave him a very interesting view of her, she seemed worthy to investigate, even more so than the previous figure who had just entered the room. In reply he spoke to her, rather coldly and unforgiving, in a way that would cut into the mind. ''I will.'' He said and looked at her, straight into her eyes and followed her moves from there. He'd taken the center place in this classroom and he though himself worthy to stand there, without regard. He thought to himself that they should sit down and he'd stand up, however he felt that school was random, he expected himself to not reign supreme long, he'd heard about teachers and he, for some reason, didn't expect the same favouritism he though himself worthy of, so rather he slowly moved to the windows, still standing, but not in the center of it all. He patiently glared down the entrance, expecting someone to enter.