[center][b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/34957/posts/ooc?page=2#post-1039936]Zayn[/url] - East Watch Tower[/b][/center] --- Zayn held the bomb piece in his hands. It sure [i]looked[/i] important. And the powder was bomb stuff, right? Zayn doubted the bomb could work properly without it. Dirge’s last missive brought a flash of comprehension across his face. The [i]crunch[/i] of Child’s bones followed by the sudden silence of one of the orc fighters made Zayn frown. As he sensed their minds faded into nothingness, he couldn’t help but think that, had they approached this situation differently, no one would have needed to die. Zayn rose from his kneeling position before the bomb, ignition device in hand. [b][i]I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll leave. There’s no need to warn me a third time. I’ve performed my duty here today. Best of luck with yours.[/i][/b] Zayn reached out and sent this one last message to the knight, before making his way out of the mêlée, giving all the combatants a wide berth. Gripping the ignition piece in one hand, the telepath was ready to smash it into the ground if Dirge or his minions made a move for him. He had no idea what that would do, or if the orcs were able to repair the bomb, or if they had a mind to. But the thing in his hands looked important; he doubted they’d be able to get the bomb working without it. One he was sure he was clear of the combat, Zayn reached into the minds of his fellow nearby Queen’s Blades, or at least those still alive, [b][i]The bomb is disarmed. There’s nothing left to be gained by continuing the fight. You’re welcome to stay and join the gladiator’s fate, but I’m getting out of here before I’m turned into a pancake.[/i][/b] With that, Zayn made his way towards the Queens to, hopefully, report their success and see if he could be of any further use.