In one group I played in we used headers & that helped immensely. There were a few threads I was stalking & saw people dropping the rp because they did not know where anyone was. I want to prevent that if at all necessary. It also helps new people who are just coming into the rp too. [quote=Tyrant from the West]Yeah, thats a good idea! Will there be a list of locations for us to 'choose' from or will we just use our roleplayer's intuition and be all 'Ok, so our character left a classroom, SO THEY ARE PROBABLY IN A HALLWAY'.EDIT- sorry i didn't mean for it to sound sarcastic at all but yeah.[/quote] Bahaha! That made me crack up. A bit of both. I can add some locations but the academy is pretty big so it wont matter too much if you place a hallway where it "shouldn't" be. Maybe I'll try to make a map...hmmm. Probably should have thought about that. If anything, I'll make sure to add notes describing the area surrounding where things are too.