Tomo sat in her seat, face turned towards the sun. It was so pleasantly warm. She wished she were outside. Only the coolness of a breeze could feel just as good as the golden warmth of the sun. But then she heard the door slide open. She would of ignored it, were it not for the feeling that someone was staring at her. It was an unexplainable feeling, one even seeing people got, but without her sight, every other sense was heightened. And this stare felt more... ominous than usual. Something that stories often described as a 'glare' would probably fit such a feeling, though she had never truly experienced such a thing. Not in the true sense anyway, but she had felt 'glaring' before. Oh, dear... This did not bode well. Her first day and someone already seemed to dislike her without cause. Well...all she could do was deal with it as she usually did. But she did wish she was still wearing her kimono. It was more comforting to be dressed in something she knew well, than such a vulnerable thing like this uniform. But she straightened her back elegantly, her lavender eyes staring straight ahead of her at nothing at all. Her dark lashes, long and fan-like, bushed over her porcelain cheeks as she closed her eyes once more. And when she opened her eyes next, they were glancing towards the direction she had felt the glare, though they truly did not see anything all. Most people discontented with usually found it a bit creepy when she could find them with her eyes, even though she could not see them. But it was more like pointing a finger at something you could feel close by while in the dark, not always on target, but with a bit of good luck you'd be pointing in the right direction. There were people talking of holidays they had been able to go on, and the sound of shuffling papers and more heavy objects, which she assumed was books, since it came form the direction the teacher's voice had come from when she had first come in. Her unseeing eyes closed once more as she focused on all the sounds in the room, ignoring the ones ruled out, concentrating on just who might be the one with the heavy gaze. Unable to find the person, she opened her eyes again. Well, they had stopped glaring at her. Maybe it was just her imagination. Maybe just a bit of paranoia from her last school experience. So she once more turned back to the sunlight, but this time her body did not relax. Her long wavy dark hair pulled over one shoulder in a loose tied ribbon of white, she waited. If it had been her imagination then she would not feel it again. But if it had not been, she would probably feel the glare once more. People tended to be creatures of habit, once annoyed or discontented.