[center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2i6nmsm.png[/IMG][/center] [hider=Headmistress][IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/2h2mqz4.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [i]So it begins again. Another semester of students from all walks of life bustling through the crumbling entrance way into CTS' Venetian style interior. The way to the Academy is just as mysterious as the happenings inside--or so they say. Many students recall their very first experience traveling to the nearly hidden institute. After exiting the bullet train a slight walk through a somber forest takes place, which branches create a thick canopy blocking out the many moons lit sky. Their feet take them seemingly into a deep cavern supported by foundering stone arches. At day break the building is illuminated by the collapsing openings in moss covered walls and ceiling. No student ever arrives during the day however, so the dwelling appears ominous with only natural moonlight. I can remember my first day touring the grounds looking for a perfect place to open such a demanding school. The structure was intact back then, of course but it seems to have taken on a sickness…almost as if—[/i] Droplets of bright red suddenly began trickling downward to the page the Headmistresses quill wrote upon. Trembling fingers lightly raised to graze underneath her cold nostrils revealing fresh blood. Stormy blue eyes stared intently at each finger until an abrupt knock shook her back from intense thought. Her clean hand snatched a few pieces of tissue to wipe the vibrant essence away in haste. These episodes were beginning to occur more everyday, and this ailment was something that magic could not unfortunately vanish. She knew what was happening and what would eventually happen--but was powerless to stop it. “Come in.” She finally said in a raspy voice after clearing her throat. Placing the damp tissues into a waste basket beside the dark walnut wooden desk an intimidating onyx haired girl entered into the spacious office, which held nine foot coffered ceilings. After closing towering doors behind her slender tattooed figure, both arms crossed in clear ire. Terra stared grimly at the ghostly Headmistress sitting beneath the antique chandelier with platinum blond locks tousled in an orderly chaotic bun. The older woman casually raised eyes to Terra standing near the doorway before speaking in a smug tone. “Good evening Miss Markos. Has anyone ever complimented the wonderful smile you have? I suppose not though I digress, have the invitations been sent as requested?” The haughty Headmistress snickered while closing the weathered journal, one of many that held seemingly inconsequential reports throughout her fifty years at CTS. [i]“Dear New Student, You are cordially invited to the annual Masquerade Ball in celebration on behalf of--you. No need to panic over attire, measurements have already been pulled from your uniform orders. An elegant ball gown or lavish tux awaits in your assigned dorm wardrobe along with a mask. Please don both pieces as they are mandatory for your entrance into the Grand Hall. Dinner will be provided along with music for your entertainment. Fellow veteran students will greet you and a short speech will commence. The welcome ceremony begins at 10 pm. Do not be late.[/i]” Terra read in comparable to an automated machine. The dreary monotone pitch could put even an insomniac to sleep instantaneously. “Why yes, that is the one but let’s hope not everyone finds this event void of such enthusiasm like you do.” [b]“Do you actually think this is necessary Headmistress?”[/b] Terra's inquiry seemed genuinely distressing. “Tradition, my dear.” [b]“Tradition aside...students are still mourning the loss of Patricia, the freshman. We shouldn't be covering up her disappearance, you are hide—“[/b] Any further sentence was cut short by the hot tempered Headmistress. “I will not have this discussion with you. Every student has received their invitations and the ball will continue as it always has.” The sophisticated woman scolded but then relaxed as if a weight lifted from her bony shoulders. “We will go on, we have to. It is our duty. You of all people know better than anyone what the stakes are, more so than ever now. Leave me. We have students to greet.” With those finial words Terra narrowed pale hues in defiance but left without hesitation. Before closing the door she cast a downtrodden glance to the floor. [b]"You're bleeding Headmistress..."[/b] Matter-of-factly she commented before pulling the door fully closed. The headmistresses personality was certainly an acquired taste but she had been like a mother to the lost girl. Terra blamed herself for many things including not knowing the cure to aid the frail woman and not preventing Patricia’s disappearance. She let out a sigh and stormed off to her private quarters to ready herself for the introductions. Per year, students would gather into an empty Grand Hall when they arrived. It would only be freshman’s attending along with the welcoming committee that included herself and a few others. The Headmistress would greet them after everyone’s arrival. For some reason Terra had a bad feeling welling up inside--this semester was going to be different...she could sense that much. [hider=]hopefully my post was clear but here is a summary: As implied, your character is invited to a Masquerade ball thrown in their honor. The Grand Hall where the party is taking place is completely empty excluding buffet tables near the walls and an empty orchestra. It’s around 9 and you will be greeted by the headmistress at 10--if you are on time. If not, the Grand Halls doors will be locked & you will have to find something else to occupy your time around CTS. If you do go that route I will make sure you have someone to talk to. :} [/hider]