"Mina, huh?" Adrain smiled hearing the name. "It's a nice name. Simple. Cute." He said calmly before hearing her question. "As far as finding out why we're here.. Hmmm. " He grew rather silent as he tried to think. As far as he could tell they had no reason to trust the rabbit. Of course, they had no reason not to. "If I had to guess I'd think that us finding out was all just a matter of time." In truth this frustrated him. He hated not being in control. It was nerve-racking. "As far as getting away. I'm not so sure that's what I want yet. Yes this world may be strange and nuts, but it's different. A bit of a change from the mundane world we live in don'tcha think? besides. There might be a way to gain some form of control here. That's be wonderful wouldn't it?" He spoke with a calm demeanor. And as he reach the end and asked his final question a small smirk grew across his face. "It's not a change I welcome to be honest. But I'm interested in seeing how things work out. Going from the man in charge... The king of sorts to be honest to not knowing anything." he chuckled a bit shaking his head. "I mean I hate this transition, of course. But It's only a matter of time until we get all the information we need." He finally sighed before smiling at her. "And if nothing else I've got someone to talk to." His demeanor wasn't that of someone who was used to not being in charge. It showed in his speech too. Adrian was kind of proud of that fact actually. He looked as if he were going to speak again, but this didn't happen. Why? Well his attention was drawn elsewhere. A voice? That is what it was, but where was it? Who had it come from? Adrian figured it must have come from yet another member of the group, but it didn't seem like something anyone here in this motley crew would say. That's when he saw it. "Tsk... Another joins the fray and the plot thickens. Still no answers connect with our questions." He sighed trying to follow along what was happening. At east one answer seemed to arise. A white rabbit, The cat like gastly looking "person?" in the sky, this world. [i]Beyond the land of dreams?[/i] Adrian sighed before looking at Mina. "Well Mina. Looks like we've managed to be pulled into Wonderland." He said this with a somewhat serious tone and a hint of humor. Still, if this were the case they were going to need more than answers. "Yo rabbit. How long do you intend to keep us here without any sort of clue as to what we've actually been brought here to do?" Adrian spoke quickly. He thought if he didn't he might not get a word in otherwise. That and he wasn't sure who else might show up. It was frustrating falling deeper and deeper into confusion. "I'd recommend you get us to wherever we need to be." What else was he to say. The way things seemed it was like they were in danger. And they should move fast. (I Edited.)