[img= http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png] [b][u] Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala [/b][/u] Aria frowned in Tobias' direction, highly disapproving of the way he was eyeing Lute, Syed and Lucien and their new fawning friends. She wasn't too worried about Syed; he could take care of himself, but Lulu would be too innocent to notice anything and Lucy was likely just as gullible. She took a gulp of her drink, coughing as the alcohol burned down her throat Still, Moira was right. They were here to have a good time, and she certainly wasn't going to let anything ruin her mood. Dylan followed in Moira's example an chugged down his drink, earning an impressed look and grin from Aria. "That's the spirit!" She cheered, raising her glass and downing the lot at once. Her eyes watered from the intensity of the vodka, as she slammed the glass down on the counter with a satisfied huff. She peeked back to Tobias, and couldn't help bit chuckle at the incredulous expression on his face. She narrowed her eyes at him in a challenging smile, pointing to Lute's group before making an 'Im watching you' motion. Turning back to the bartender, she raised her glass."Three of your finest wines to follow, please!"