[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/kcoptW5.png[/img][/center] [hider=Skip to 1:22][youtube]FRDHBnDln_8[/youtube][/hider] The moment her dead laptop whirred to life, Evanna looked up with hope in her eyes. Had all that button-pressing finally worked? She dropped her phone back on her bed and knelt next to her laptop, pushing the screen back a little bit further in order to inspect the damage. In place of the Windows 8 logo was a download bar, but Evanna couldn’t remember downloading anything new within the past week. Perhaps it was the system rebooting itself? Evanna wasn’t the smartest when it came to the mechanical and programming bits of a laptop; her specialty lay in [i]using[/i] a laptop. Nevertheless, she’d never seen it randomly boot up like that and when the screen turned a bright white color, she edged away from the laptop as if it was going to blow. She was so busy with her laptop and anticipating and explosion that she didn’t hear the strange sounds, not until she was looking straight at the face of some kind of… tribal guy? She edged away from the laptop, unsure of what she was supposed to do at this point. Should she get the man’s attention and demand an explanation or simply hurl the laptop out the window? The better choice was obvious. Evanna slowly stood up, careful not to startle him too much as he rambled on. Only half-listening, she kept a carefree smile on her face, one that urged him to go on and keep talking. All the while, she edged back towards the laptop, careful not to make any hasty movements and, sliding her fingers underneath the laptop, she slowly lifted the laptop and began to stand up. She was barely standing when the man pulled out a baby bear, and Evanna immediately stopped in her tracks. As a girl, she had drilled herself into softening at the sight of a cute animal and ‘awww’ing when appropriate, all a ploy to irritate her brothers. And though her brothers weren’t here, Evanna instinctively melted at the sight of the pretty little bear cub. [i]”Aww, aren’t you the cutest little thing!”[/i] She reached out with a finger and poked the screen, uncaring about the man holding the bear cub. After all, she was probably hallucination. This was most likely some advertisement engineered to hit a soft spot and get people to buy whatever they were advertising. But the advertisement never came, and Evanna watched with slightly widened eyes as the man—should she even call him that? He was as hyperactive as a four-year-old—continued talking. He was a key? The key that way lying on the end of her bed? Evanna opened her mouth to speak and tell him how ridiculous he was being—great, now she was talking to an inanimate screen—when she realized that she’d probably have to switch to English. The guy had spoken in English, after all, and last time she’d checked, Native Americans didn’t speak Italian. “Unpossible!” She retorted. “You cannot be dat key, you are in a computer and—[i]why am I talking to a screen?![/i]” Moments later, his final words were translated and processed by Evanna’s strangely slow brain today. “A game? What game?” Suddenly, it became slightly clearer. She’d received an email inviting her to try a game, hadn’t she? That strange email at exactly 6 am. Had buying a key confirmed her attendance? Nevertheless, Evanna shrugged, keen to try something new. The game seemed promising, with limitless opportunities to exploit. And it this strange, tattooed man was going to be her ticket to victory, then so be it. She offered him an uncharacteristic smile, figuring it was better to get onto her key’s good side right away as she walked over to the bed and set the laptop down. She picked up the copper-ish key and held it up. “You want me to open door with this? How do I do that?” She inquired, inspecting the teeth of the key. They didn’t seem like they’d fit in her room’s door, or any door in her house for that matter. She looked back up towards the key, taking in his strange appearance. “Are you from a—a traiiibe?” The word was unfamiliar to her, leading her to drag it out as she speculated upon her next words. Her smile grew wider, something someone close to her would tell you wasn’t a good thing. “If you make the baby bear appear again, I will open door for you.”