[b]Hey there! I'm looking for some people that I can start in depth, long term role plays with.[/b] [u][b]General[/b][/u] [list] [*]I'm generally interested in roleplaying any story/topic as long as it's creative![/*] [*]I tend to write 5-6+ paragraphs on a general post during a roleplay, though they can be a lot longer. I'm not really picky about reply lengths as long as you give me enough content to work with. (I prefer [i]at least[/i] two good sized paragraphs)[/*] [*]I tend to RP as females but I enjoy male roles too. I RP fxf, fxm, and sometimes mxm.[/*] [*]I won't correct someone on spelling/grammar mistakes (we all make them and this is a leisure activity) but I expect pretty decent and legible writing for my own sanity.[/*] [*]I am over 18 and I am comfortable with mature topics/content.[/*] [*]I RP in PMs.[/*] [*]I have a job that takes up most of my day and a life that occupies the rest of it so I can't reply immediately 70% of the time.[/*] [*]If you wanna chat ooc I'm cool with that!![/*] [/list] [b][u]Roleplay Ideas[/b][/u] [list] [*]Medieval[/*] [*]Horror[/*] [*]Fantasy[/*] [*]Modern[/*] [*][b]Princess x knight[/b] (fxf or fxm)[/*] [*]Pokémon[/*] [*][b]D.Gray-Man[/b][/*] [*]Post apocalyptic[/*] [*]A modern beauty and the beast-esque story[/*] [/list] I'm pretty much looking for anything though and I would love to hear any plot ideas that you have!! Please send me a PM if you're interested!!