Relief washed over Luke at Devon's confirmation, and he returned his sarcastic grin with a sincere one. It took him a while to get used to the dark haired boy's sarcastic tendencies. Luke initially had a hard time discerning when to take his words at face value and when not to, and that led to a lot of pretty embarrassing missteps. They seemed to clash in everything they did, but instead of making them drift apart as he originally feared, their contrasting personalities actually made them closer as friends. Synergy born from antitheses or something like that. In any case, he felt stupid for even worrying about it in the first place. Of course that was Devon; who else could it be? A gho-- Luke had to physically stop himself from finishing the thought, tapping his hands lightly against his head repeatedly to do so, or he would start freaking out all over again. His heartbeat already went up a notch, and he had to take a deep breath to regain his composure. Looking around, he realized that the others have already eased into their less than ideal surroundings. Devon was still in his corner of darkness and enigma, but the others have all convened by the couch, watching as Anwen did her fortune telling. It was only him that was still jumpy. Luke scrunched his nose in disdain as he realized how ridiculous he was being, but even he was amused by his own folly. Right now, he was acting like a little kid afraid of his own shadow! He chuckled to himself, feeling slightly relieved. "Stop lurking in the dark and join us here, bogeyman," Luke called out jokingly before he sat down across from Aidyn and Nixie. He caught only the last bit of Anwen's predictions, about there being an impending drastic change, but he made sure to keep it mind. His lips curve into a gentle smile as he thought back on Anwen's previous tarot readings, most of which were pretty spot on. That was pretty amazing! Luke glanced up at Aidyn after she gave the group some suggestions of things they could do. He noticed the tiny girl looked less at ease than the others, and he was suddenly worried that she was feeling guilty about the situation they were in. Almost as if he were driven by instincts, his hand automatically reached across to ruffle the girl's hair and he flashed her a comforting smile. Aidyn should have been used to this habit of his by now. He does it whenever he thinks he sees her start to get restless. In response, Nixie suggested a round of hide and seek. Luke was conflicted. On one hand, this would be the first time he'd get to play the game. The disadvantage to his family's constant traveling was that he never stayed in one place long enough to get to know and befriend kids his own age. This was one of the things he'd always wanted to try. On the other hand, and this was a big drawback, [i]scary mansion.[/i] He wasn't too keen on the idea of willingly separating himself from the others and hiding alone in a dark corner, where there were probably more eerie crows and gho— y'know. Before he could share his worries, Devon had joined them and casually sat down on the couch, nary a word about the bird perched atop his head. Luke stared at black bird for a moment, then chuckled. It still gave him the creeps, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the two of them just [i] fit[/i] together. He told Devon as much, commenting on how the bird looks completely comfortable with him. Anyway, that was two for hide and seek. Luke didn't want to spoil the others' fun, so he decided to tough it out and kept quiet.