I know right xD I should have waited until after exams... But I agree, she totally will find out. But I don't think it was a completely selfish thing that Piper did, I think that part of it was that, yes she wanted Alex to stay close but also she wanted her to be safe and she wasn't going to be outside of prison. Haha, well it's still freaking awesome! Stick it to the man :P Oh, and I am getting one on the arch of my foot that says "And so she danced..." I think it'll be really nice and it holds a lot of meaning for me. How long did it take you to settle on one idea? Because I pretty much knew exactly what I wanted as soon as I started thinking about it! Ugh, lucky you! I have had such anxiety this past week, my parents freaked out because I ended up going to my friends house for like three days straight and apparently didn't tell them (I did, they just don't listen to me), so they got super mad at me and it was awful. D: But they're over it now, and they let me go over to Josh's today so that was all good. And that is so cool about the watercolours. Please, please, please share! I absolutely [i]love[/i] watercolours. Is there anything big that you are working on, or just a few little pieces here and there? Woohoo! That sounds great, I wish I were big into sports like that :p I bet you'd be big into a sport like Rugby or something, huh? Have you ever tried it? I hope! I didn't tell him that but he knows. Today we were in his kitchen talking to his dad and he was saying how he would rather cook then do dishes and I was the opposite and his dad started laughing and was like "This is why you guys would make a good couple!" Haha, his dad is so great. Then while we were cuddling he said that he planned on being around for awhile and also said something about us being a couple. Idk, it doesn't feel like we're just friends, like at all, and there is definitely potential there. Oh and then on friday we hung out with some of his friends and I was really nervous that he wouldn't want them to know that there was something between us but I ended up sitting on his knee the whole night stealing little kisses and holding his hand. It was so fucking adorable. Gah! I could go on forever but I'll just keep it at that... for now :p Thank you :) I'm really excited! And yeah, I love the show. Did you see it danced as a ballet? Ours is a little untraditional because it incorporates different styles and is kind of like a response to the original version more so then a copy of it. Have you seen any other ballets? Haha, thanks! I am going to try and get it finished up tonight but I am home all day tomorrow too so it will definitely be up by then! HOLY COW IT WAS SO GREAT!! I don't want it to be done... and you were right about The Hound. Haha, as soon as that happened I was like "Yep, yep... she was tots right" :D What was your favourite part? Ooh, yay!! Congrats on that :D And more time on the internet is always a good thing. [s]I know, I'm perfect[/s] I mean, awww! Thanks, hun :P