Okay then, how's this one look? [hider=Appearance][img=http://i.imgur.com/9qFj560.png?1][/hider] NAME: Alice Drakeguard NICKNAME: None in particular, but she likes to give nicknames to others. GENDER: Female AGE: 16 PARTNER: Yukito Hakura ABILITIES: Can adjust her wavelength to match nearly any weapon, making her a particularly good meister in that regard. EXTRA EQUIPMENT: None in particular. PERSONALITY: A straightforward and simple-minded girl, Alice is the sort of person who powers over problems and bumps in the road with overwhelming pressure. She's both forceful and carefree, although at times this slips into the territory of being uncaring about the world around her. Despite this, she firmly believes in the good in other people and those that she can call her friends. She's also quite vain, but relishes in any sort of sparring or combat. BIO: Alice is quite open about her past, proudly exclaiming whenever the need arises that she was born into a relatively wealthy family. She's quite happy to note that because of this, she was allowed into the most exclusive and expensive self-defense classes, along with explaining why she was accepted into DWMA. FEARS AND WEAKNESSES: She's weak to trickery and flattery, falling prey to pretty words without much thought. She has a deep-seated fear of the supernatural and disembodied entities, stemming from their inherent unpunchable nature. OTHER: Spends an abhorrent amount of time fantasizing about her 'glorious future' every morning.