Yeah, that's true, she could tell that Alex was genuinely scared, which is so unlike her, so it was kind of like a last ditch effort to protect her. I still think it will take some time for Alex to come around to that idea and at first she'll just be like [i]why the fuck did you that.[/i] Of course, me and all the fans are like yay go back to prison!! xD Ohhh I [i]love[/i] that idea for your tattoo! That's perfect! Heh it took me a million years to figure out exactly what I wanted #commitment_issues. Actually I knew [i]where[/i] I wanted it before I finally settled on the design. I really like your idea for yours, it's so authentic and I like that you seemed to have started with something meaningful and then decided how to get it tattooed, whereas for me, to be totally honest, I fell in love with the idea of getting a tattoo and [i]then[/i] sought out something meaningful lol x) Yes I'd be glad to show my watercolors! I love showing off ha xD They're just little pieces here and there like you said, in a little sketchbook. I make a pen sketch of something first, just random things like buildings on campus or downtown or the lake near my apartment, and even of a register at work xD and then I add some color to it. It's all to keep me drawing over the summer, for practice. I really like looking through artists' travel notebooks because they're like visual diaries. I want it to end up becoming something like that for my summer "adventures," which are really just me wandering around Raleigh lol. Goddamn it, Germany x) They didn't crush us like we thought they might, but they did beat us 1-0. Luckily we did well enough that it doesn't matter and the US is still advancing to the next round, with 15 other countries, so all is well. Haha, I've watched rugby a couple times, it is pretty interesting! I don't get it at all, but I feel like I could get into it. It's very European. My college doesn't have a rugby team, but I think there might be a club sport. I like college American football, but really only if my school is playing xD Once I graduate, I won't keep up with it. Soccer tho <3<3<3 That's so cute! Aw his dad's encouragement, that is so sweet x) Yeah it was a ballet! I've only seen two other ballets, one was Cinderella and the other was a really surreal interpretation of Snow White, but I can't remember the title. You must have seen a ton, what were your favorites? Hey no worries, post whenever you can :) I gotta hit the hay soon anyways because I start work early tomorrow. The Hound Dx It was such a complicated mix of emotions. I thought he would go out in a blaze of fire, not pitifully begging someone to kill him. I wonder if he really died.. We didn't actually see it. This didn't happen in the finale but omg when Egret died Dx And she said remember that cave, I wish we'd never left, or something like that and I just DX Someone'd already told me she was going to die an it was still heart wrenching. And unexpected too, I thought it would be one of Jon Snow's many rivals that would kill her but it was just that little boy, doing what Sam told him to do DX My favorite part of the finale was when Arya met Brienne and you could see that both of them were impressed and pleased to find another female fighter. Thanks! :D And you're welcome x) Although tbh it's giving me some difficultly because I've become wayyyyy pickier about choosing partners. Maybe I should be annoyed x)