[center] [b]School Grounds – Paths to Dorms [/b] [/center] Acacia’s eyes rolled heavily as she’d stand stiffly in the schools main grounds. Dark fringe almost like that of blood red outlining her almost delicate face; her slender arms hanging by her side, one holding a suitcase, the other loosely gripping a leather fabrication of a leash. Pale almost clear eyes of icy blue swept over the elegant location, her heart was singing lightly at the view she was receiving, it was awe inspiring. But, her dark lips equal to her hair didn't twitch, not even to bare the appreciative smile she should bare. Knuckles tensing as her almost frail fingers latched at the leash harshly. She was less than impressed with the room assigned, she’d requested that of a private dorm, but was stuck in the Garnet Room, second floor of the females building if she remembered correctly. Legs striding now at a fast pace, she’d known other students were bound to start arriving as it was getting late; she wasn't going to be late for the Masquerade, even if it sounded like an odd concept. If anyone spotted her the heavy figure beside her, almost up to her hip moved at a proud pace. Head high, ears pointed sharply angled forward, docked tail lifted and chest out. He was a proud creature indeed, his figure noticeable to the eye of being predominantly muscle all over, the harness warn around his chest was a solid almost forest brown, it was thick in leather and the buckles secure so he couldn’t escape it. He almost seemed to cling to the 5’9 girl’s side. The chains around his neck creating almost a melodic tone as they rubbed together; this was only to mingle with the same symphony coming from Acacia’s nose ring to earring chain. He was a young looking canine that of a Doberman pinscher in appearance. As they made their way to the dorm it was apparent on Acacia’s seemingly displeased face, that whoever made the decision for her to share was a bad idea as the pair made it to the stairs and ascended as fast as they could. Entering the large room and glancing around; The audible sudden eminence of vocals from the canine echoed through the room and probably to the rooms upstairs and down, the pale eyes of Acacia rested upon the student items already within the room and she scoffed lightly raising a flat palm gesturing to the canine to hush. Dropping the leash she’d walk around the room eyeing all the colors, blood red seemingly coated the place, it was a dark room at this time; and she wasn't in the mood to find the light, she simply threw her bag onto the unoccupied bed. Noting another unoccupied she almost scowled herself hoping it remained that way. Moving and closing the door she’d turn to face the dress she’d been told to wear. She looked at Koshmarik as he investigated the others items in the meantime dragging the leather behind him. She’d investigate the dress mumbling lightly in Russian “Eto mesto razrushit menya, oni luchshe ne ozhidat' bol'she , chem eto”. If anyone heard, they’d probably understand nothing; she complained lightly in those words and forgot time as she stared aimlessly at the fabric she was supposed to wear.