And there came a day... a day unlike any other... when Earth's mightiest heroes found themselves united against a common threat... to fight the foes no single superhero could withstand... on that day, The Avengers were born... The only downside to this? The Avengers won't always be around forever. So Nick Fury is putting younger heroes into training. Teaching them to work as a functioning team rather than a bunch of ignorant and rash decisions based on one heroes decisions. He managed to contact you and convince you to just come and meet the other members. See what they've been through and how much shit they had to put up with from the older heroes. Maybe a team will form, maybe it won't. It all depends on you. Rules: 1.No God-modding /Pretty Simple No? 2. Keep it PG-13 3. Respect others and yourself 4. No fighting in OOC. I want calm level headed discussions 5. Have fun! 6. At least two lines per post. Character Sheets! Name: Alias: Age: [18-28] Gender: Appearance: Abilities: Weapons: History: [hider=Character] Artemis Vervain Alexander Seelee[/hider] Name: Artemis Vervain Alias: Nova Age: 22 [hider=My Character] Appearance: [img][/img] Hero Oufit: [img][/img] Boots:[img][/img][/hider] Abilities: Artemis was born with her powers all of which are related to fire. Her primary ability to envelop his body in fiery plasma without harm to herself, in which form she is able to fly by providing thrust behind herself with her own flame, and to generate powerful streams and/or balls of flame. She can also manipulate her flame in such a way as to shape it into rings and other forms. Even when not engulfed in flame herself, Artemis has the ability to control any fire within her immediate range of vision, causing it to increase or decrease in intensity or to move in a pattern directed by his thoughts. Additionally, she is able to absorb fire/plasma into his body with no detrimental effects. She has shown the ability to detect heat signatures History: Artemis was born a little different compared to everyone else. She was born with her powers. At the age of eight she burned down her school on accident when she let her emotions over an argument with a teacher engulfed the school in flame. The world started to classify as most would. Mutant. She was quickly pulled out of public school and taught private lessons with her parents. They taught her that controlling her emotions controlled her powers. If she had full control over her emotions, she had control over her powers. They kept her locked up never letting her out of her house. Late at night when both of them were sleeping she would sneak out and practice using her powers. She was doing this one night when Johnny Storm flew over head and kept teaching her to use her powers for good. Johnny then recommended she should get away from her parents. They loved her but they didn't know how to handle a 16 year old hormonal girl with the ability to light her room on fire with a wave of her hand. Artemis packed her bags and moved onto the helicarrier. Johnny continued training her along with SHIELD.