Exactly! I think that Alex will end up putting two and two together and then she is going to be pissed for awhile and then realize that it is best for her, at least for the time being. I am happy that she is going back!! I ship her and Piper so hard... :D Thank you very much!! I am also getting the Om symbol behind my ear! That one is also dance related because we use it as the symbol for the elite group I dance with, so it will kind of represent family more then just dance. Yay! I can't wait to see them. I think it is such a wonderful idea to keep a sketchbook like that, it'll make it that much better years from now when you go back and look at them and relive the moment through a drawing. I like it. Do you ever draw people? Or just places/things? That Germany! Haha, good thing that you guys advanced on though :) And yeah! Rugby is really big out here, too. My dad plays and so have almost all my cousins at some point. Plus it is [i]the[/i] sport to play at my high school, we don't even have a football team, just a rugby one. Personally I'm more into rugby and soccer (soccer players <3) over football but I can still watch it. What are some of your other favourite sports? Hehe, it was great! And then later that day I was sitting on his bed while he got his resume ready to take out and he had to change so I was like "I think that's my cue to leave" because his dad was in the other room so yeah and I went down into the kitchen and all the sudden I hear his dad yell down the hall "He's wearing cute underwear!" which I already knew but it was still pretty funny. I am actually so sorry for going on and on about this but holy hell <3 Not a ton! But I've seen The Nutcracker, and multiple different showcases from different companies my favourite type of ballet to watch is contemporary ballet and just watching them dance even without a story is mesmerizing. But my all time favourite I have ever seen would be Romeo and Juliet. It was phenomenal and I am a huge fan of Shakespeare so I was in awe. I feel like Cinderella would be cool, and a surreal interpretation of Snow White sounds absolutely amazing!! I am kinda jealous honestly. Okie, same here actually because I didn't sleep until 3 last night and then I got up at 8... so I'm not exactly entirely present atm :p I know, honestly I was sad to see him go. Near the end I was really starting to like him. And oh my goodness, that was awful! I cried during that part because I had always harboured a secret hope that those two would somehow find their way back to each other, but apparently not... :( And when she said that about the cave! Oh man I was so done... D: I liked the part with Arya and Brienne too, but honestly I don't like Brienne... I don't know why she is just too [i]good[/i], her intentions are too pure and I think that's going to change really soon. I'd say my favourite part was when The Hound died, because it was just so sad and unexpected. I know what you mean! Haha, I expect everyone I roleplay with to be able to post like 3000 word posts and to have a crazy amount of talent when it comes to writing (and by crazy amount I mean way above average! :* ) So I get ya... #I'm_annoyed