Amity Cole's first day of her second year at Yamaku wasn't off to an ideal start at all. None of this had to do with her missing sense of touch; that was something she'd learned to adapt to over the years. No, her day was starting poorly because of her awful sense of time... -------- [b][u]Two hours earlier...[/b][/u] [i]BRZZZT! BRZZZT! BRZZ-click.[/i] "Good morning to you too, painful alarm clock," Ami groaned. At first, it was the same as any morning where she first wakes up sluggish as can be. Then the realization set in. Today was the first day of class! Almost-leaping out of bed (she'd [i]actually[/i] leapt the previous year and broke her nose, not noticing it until somebody pointed it out) and grabbing the school's green-and-white uniform, Ami made a beeline for the bathroom. She had to shower! She had to dress! She had to figure out where her new classroom was! There were so many things to do this morning! She'd managed to accomplish them all in record time, even. After the few minutes it had taken her to shower and get dressed, Ami took another look at her clock. [i]I've got time,[/i] she'd decided, so she'd grabbed two puppets at random and began holding a private one-girl show. She'd gotten so into it that she forgot all about the fact that there were classes today. By the time she'd checked the clock, she knew there was no way she'd make it to class on time. So she'd taken a few minutes more to finish up her little show; it was just getting to the climax. ------------------ [i]Why did I do that? Stupid me, stupid me![/i] For the last few moments, Ami was moving as fast she knew she could without tripping herself up throughout the school building in a frantic power-walk, trying to find her classroom. Then she ran into some unremarkable first-year who'd been lost and showed him the way to class, and now she was back on the first floor, taking a quick drink break. Hydration was important, after all. And maybe it was for the better that she stop at this vending machine by these stairs. What happened next was chaotic, but could have really saved her hide. It was one of those moments of "Wow, that was all so fast." Where one just sort of has no choice but to stand by and watch. Two boys had just fallen from the stairs, hitting the floor, then a third boy - certainly taller - helped one up. The one who got helped up by the tall guy had one of those things where you type in the words and it comes out as a sentence. Even if she didn't need and didn't [i]particularly[/i] want one, Ami always thought those seemed like fun. But it was a fair enough gathering of students. One of them had to know where she was supposed to go. Stepping up to the group and raising a hand, Ami asked with what she was seriously hoping was a smile, "Excuse me, do any of you know where Classroom 2-4 is?"