[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6ZNnD1Pl.jpg[/img] [b]NAME[/b] Inigo de la Mancha [b]GENDER[/b] Male [b]AGE[/b] 16 [url=http://i.imgur.com/JiyW4ZI.jpg]APPEARANCE[/url] Inigo stands lean and tall, and gives off that sort of Hispanic charm you could find in some cheesy romance novel. He has short brown hair, parted on the left side, and his eyes of a notable green color. He typically wears a poncho over loose dress shirts, vests, and pants. [b]PARTNERS[/b] Cynder's Next CS and Hikari [b]ABILITIES[/b] [i]Advanced Wavelength Flexibility[/i] - Inigo can perform Soul Resonance with multiple and different Weapons. Further capabilities to be unlocked IC. [i]Soul Menace[/i] - Yup. Ability and personal variations to be unlocked IC. [b]EXTRA EQUIPMENT[/b] Inigo rides a black 1999 Suzuki Hayabusa. Additionally, despite being in possession of two Weapons, he likes to run around with a pair of mundane blades. Specifically, two [i]spada da lato[/i], side-swords. [b]PERSONALITY[/B] An amiable young man with a zest for life, Inigo is quite an easy sort to get along with. He has a rather casual, easy-going attitude and takes a rather carefree approach to life. He regrets absolutely nothing he's done, didn't do, will do, or is doing, for that would mean he thinks it wasn't worth it in the end. He can also be [i]very[/i] hammy and is prone to both scenery chewing and minor meta-dialogue. Beware. He follows a code of chivalry drilled into him by his father from a very young age. As such, he conducts himself much like a knight - with honor and nobility. However, this code does absolutely nothing to stop him from [i]snarking[/i]. And snark he most definitely will. He might be a gentleman, but that only means he can say un-gentlemanly things like only a gentleman can. Nor is he staunchly against breaking the rules to save them or do what is right, though he dislikes having to break them in the first place. Nonetheless, he never breaks his word and is easily touched by others' problems. If he chooses to protect someone or take on their burdens, he'll do his best until the very end - as a knight-errant should. In battle, Inigo is a fierce, but balanced warrior who fights less with brute force and more with technique and finesse. He enjoys small-talk while combating worthy opponents, and doesn't really see why people feel they have to be antagonistic towards people they'll probably end up killing or inflicting injury to. One may think that his chivalry extends to the battlefield - which it does, don't get me wrong - but Inigo was [i]also[/i] raised by his grandparents, who weren't necessarily very sporting individuals. While he does behave in a psuedo-knightly manner in day-to-day life, this isn't always the case when it comes to fighting. Sure, he's a proud warrior who'll duel honorably and won't back down from a fight just because he's losing, but that doesn't mean he won't 'adjust his tactics', so to speak. Inigo has an odd sort of logic when it comes to contests of arms: if duels are contests of skill, there's nothing wrong with using everything at your disposal. Of course, that's only specific to duels. In free combat, anything and everything goes. To contrast, if he's fighting against a worthy opponent he'll most definitely fight fairly in the traditional sense, if only to show his respect. On a side-note, Inigo does [i]not[/i] like 'all natural' foods and relishes in the consumption of 'fake' food, like chips, fast food, and such. [b]BIO[/b] Inigo is a Hispanic young man hailing from Cadiz, Spain. His father was a rather boorish, old-fashioned sort who had an odd fixation on Spanish chivalric romance, a fixation which was only further enhanced by the de la Mancha family's ancestral role as knight-errants. From an astoundingly young age, Inigo was taught the way of the sword and to live by the chivalric code. Stuff happens, dad dies or gets killed or something, and mom ships him off to America to live with his grandparents in San Antonio, Texas. Unfortunately, his history of wacky family hobbies doesn't end there. His grandparents were hardcore hunter-survivalist types, often bringing Inigo out into the wilderness for [i]absurdly[/i] long stretches of time. In fact, he didn't even need an entire hand to count the months he spent at an actual home per year. It was during these frequent outings where they taught him a bunch of survivalist skills, such as making fires, hunting and gathering, setting up camp, knife fighting wild animals, etc. His grandmother was quite adamant on the latter bit, while his grandfather was more a 'just shoot the damn thing' sort of guy. He ended up learning both skills. More stuff happens, and he gets shipped off to the DWMA. He doesn't really talk much about his past, nor does he particularly care to discuss, lament over, or brag about any events in his past - at least not without good reason. If asked about it, he will proceed to regale the asker with an dramatic, over exaggerated, and likely very false tale about his 'exploits' almost completely unrelated to anything he's actually done. [b]FEARS AND WEAKNESSES[/b] [*]Inigo's natural agility and endurance, as well as his skills and ability to devise tactics, are balanced out by his rather less-than-impressive strength. Though flexible in tactics, he can't just strong-arm his way through every obstacle.[/*][*]Inigo's honor doesn't allow him to back down from a fight, no matter how bad he's losing. In a fight to the death, this means he either dies, or his Weapons bail him out no matter how much he doesn't want them to.[/*][*]Due to the strict adherence to keeping his word, Inigo often does things that can have rather bad consequences. Additionally, this can be used to manipulate the young Spaniard.[/*][*]Inigo sometimes forgoes the use of his Weapon partners altogether so he can fight with his regular blades. Depending on the enemy, this is either a rather inconsequential change, or a complete game changer.[/*][*]Inigo is a rather reckless individual who often jumps into things without thinking them through. Some of the consequences can be mitigated by the sheer force of his skill and his resilience, but not all of them.[/*][*]While he does seem to be a fearless individual, Inigo has a very large fear of one thing: being lost in the wilderness. No, not camping. He's perfectly fine with that. It's being in the wilderness while having no idea what to do, where to go, and whatnot. Apparently this comes from a childhood trauma. Something about grandma and grandpa being crazy and ditching him in the desert.[/*] [b]OTHER[/b][/center]