@Levi: My apologies for bothering you, but I was wondering if you could answer a few questions for me before I posted my actual intro... First of all, were the masquerade attires chosen by us or our characters? I mean, the attires chosen for our characters will, most likely at least, be somewhat related to their temperament and preferences in some sense. So did the school's administration just have very good intuition, did the students have a hand in picking them, or should we just handwave it as a coincidence and not worry about it too much? Secondly, I was wondering if you could shed some light into the universe the story will be taking place in. People in their character sheets have made mentions to some real world countries, such as Russia or Ireland, but I'm fairly sure that earth doesn't have multiple moons orbiting it or "unknown oceans", so I am a little confused. Is this some sort of mirror universe? Some sort of alternate version of earth with multiple satellites and much more undiscovered areas? Or is Euthenia merely a different world linked to earth through magic of some kind? Are we allowed to make references to real world authors? Sorry if you clarified this already, I am just making sure I got everything right.