[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/4072ca9a-2b21-4515-bea2-850689e3917a.png] Valdeimos Mancini 53 years old 01/03/1092 Valdeimos appears kind but he enjoys manipulating people and uses his beauty to his advantage. He is not held back by emotions and rarely ever feels remorse for anything he does. He delights in playing mind games with people and seeing how much he can hurt a person mentally or emotionally. Valdeimos cares about his family and is quite fond of them, but he has no need for anybody else and has no friends he genuinely cares about. He works as a chef in a popular five star restaurant named DirkJakes and he eventually took on an apprentice named Isaiah because the pay was good, though he is quite tough on him and he never holds back when criticizing his food. Recently a young girl named Raani claimed that she was his daughter and her mother, his former lover Raava, was dead. After she finally convinced him of the truth, Valdeimos let her stay with him even though the last thing Valdeimos wanted was to be a dad. The next day he calmly spoke (threatened) to his boss into giving him a pay raise and the kind (frightened) owner agreed. He officially took custody of Raani and after he suggested it, she changed her name to Valrose Mancini. [/center]