[b]Name:[/b] Suzuno Yuzuru, also known as Kyuketsu Ninja [b]Age:[/b] 586 [b]DF:[/b] His demon form, his eyes are visibly red blood and skin that is cold and pale. [b]HF:[/b] [hider=Default][img]http://deluscar.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/accelerator-full-639547.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Yuzuru is a Kyuketsu Youkai(Vampire Demon), he is someone who doesn't really bother on what he does for his head is always in the clouds, daydreaming, keeping a calm composure and legitimately viewed as a lazy person. He doesn't like getting order around unless it is from the master of the Night Parade, much to this irony he just does whatever he wants, his personality can be viewed as haughty and mellow. Much to other people's dismay, he doesn't talk much yet he talks a lot out of the blue. At the same time, he is jerk ass friendly and having him on your company is entertaining. [b]History:[/b] Prior to the current era, Yuzuru was a resident of Kyoto and once an Assassin/Mercenary during the Azuchi-Momoyama period commonly known as Sengoku Era. He lived a life of bounty, betrayal, deception,it was a memory he could never dishonor, witnessing constant wars, he could never dishonor his comrades' will. Not much is known about Yuzuru, however, from what is seen, he enjoys his immortality as he moves on for generations and play along with the trending stuff such as games and parties. [b]Weapons:[/b] Kusarigama [b]Abilities:[/b] Kyuketsu are naturally born with enhanced physical reflexes. [list] [*]Blood Transfusion, technically Yuzuru is able to control someone with his blood, making them into slaves or temporary Kyuketsu. However, this only apply with age limits ranging from 13 years old to 400 years old, those who have a strong will can render this useless and even stronger Youkai that of a legendary class, the likes of Kitsune, Tsuchigumo etc can counter it. This only works effectively on humans.[/] [*]Miasma, a Kyuketsu is able to use gaseous substances as an offense and defense, it is a purple gas and is a little poisonous. He mixes this with his chains.[/] [/list] [b]Fear:[/b] Manipulation [b]Others:[/b] [list][*]Yuzuri is Kyuketsu Youkai(Vampire Demon). He is fan fictional character that is a contrast to Kubinashi of the original series.[/] -Both were assassins in the past although Yuzuru is a Ninja, he is still plays the role of an assassin. -Both are loyal to their Masters and their master's successors. -Both are perverted. -Similarly have a dark past. -Turned a new leaf after defeat. -Strict and serious as well as vulgar. -String like weapons.Kubinashi is known as the Stringer of Joshu whereas Yuzuru is known as the Jailer of Kyoto. The difference is strings to chains, Yuzuru uses chains. -Have girls to protect. [*]The older the Vampire, the stronger they are and likely able to withstand sunlight but they are gradually weaker during the day by having 30%-50% of their composure and abilities.[/] [*]Vampires/Kyuketsu are weak to fire, sunlight, and any Demon Slaying weapon.[/] [*]Blood is a Vampire's way to eat/drink, if one does not follow, they will turn cannibalistic and feed on meat and drink blood.[/] [*]Yuzuru's hobbies are playing the drums, guitar, peeping, and sleeping.[/] [*]He plays computer games.[/] [*]Yuzuru loves seducing women.[/] [*]His favorite color is pink.[/] [*]Is afraid of dogs.[/][/list]