[b]Mini writing exercise: "Your character stands in front of a locked door and needs to get inside. What would they do?"[/b] [i]Dendus[/i] It was strange enough that he was getting to go in on a locked door, but was was more unusual is that for extremely unidentifiable reasons, Dendus felt the need to get inside. He knows it's a dumb idea, but it's hard to resist that urge and turn the slab of wood that's blocking the way to the room. Now what would be the best thing to do in this kind of situation? Would it be to smash that door with all his limbs? [i]Nah.[/i] Knock? [i]Nah, there aren't any people inside.[/i] Walk away? [i]Perhaps, but still nah.[/i] Use a card to pick the lock? [i]Maybe... Alrighty then.[/i] Dendus remembered that he had an old ID from a previous part-time job in his leather wallet in the pocket. Without further delay, he grabbed the leather, took out the card, and slipped it on the tiny space between the doorknob and the wall's side, touching the metal piece that held the door in place to the wall. Although the door seemed to be ornery and refused to unlock, just as Dendus was about to give up the wooden slab finally turned, opening and revealing the room inside.