Mariko stopped folding her little origami tortoise and glanced sideways. Kimono girl was staring at her. She was off by a few degrees, and she'd ended up staring at her ears. She seemed to be looking for something, If she was a dog, her ears would be twitching this way and that trying to pinpoint the source of the noise. She closed those insultingly large eyes again, before twisting her neck back to the front of the class. What was that, Mariko wondered. An attempt to make polite conversation or a death glare? The blind were notoriously bad at giving facial cues, and Mariko herself was notoriously bad at reading faces. It honestly could've been either. In retrospect, the death glare idea was probably wasn't correct, given the circumstances. [i]Regular people didn't want to torment others based on a completely chance encounter. That was a stupid idea[/i], she reminded herself. She idly folded the leg of her turle back so that it didn't look like the multiple amputee in Class 2-4, and made a desicion. Mariko leaned across the gap between chairs and asked " 'Scuse me, but you're new in this class, right?" She cringed. That came out a lot more Kansai-ish then she'd intended.